Teacher Notes
Build a stack of three connecting cubes and a stack of four
connecting cubes to display for students. Read and discuss each
question. Emphasize that 4 is one more than 3 and 3 is one less
than 4. Point out that if you add one cube to three cubes, there
will be four cubes, and if you take away one cube from four cubes,
there will be 3 cubes. Encourage students to use their desk number
lines to model one more and one less.
Repeat with one or two other combinations where one stack
has one more cube than the other.
I. One More and One Less
Here is a stack of three cubes. Here is another stack of four cubes.
- How many cubes should we add to the stack of three cubes
to make both stacks the same?
- How many cubes should I take away from the stack of four
cubes to make both stacks the same?