Lesson 6

Rolling Along in Centimeters

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Before the Lesson

Hold Qualifying Round in Advance. The collection of cars (those students brought from home as well as those you gathered) will need to be tested. Cars will need to travel between 50 and 200 centimeters beyond the bottom of the ramp. Hold a qualifying round to remove cars that do not travel distances within this interval or that do not roll straight. Acceptable cars can be placed in a box labeled "parking lot" or "pit." With the setup illustrated in Figure 2 prominently displayed, demonstrate the procedure for selecting the cars.

Qualifying rounds can be held at recess or over several days as students bring their toy cars to school if a ramp setup is available in advance.

Have extra masking tape available when students bring in their toys. If names are not on the toys, write students' names on the masking tape and attach to the toy.

Let students play with the cars and ramps during free time before the lab. Students will become familiar with the equipment and more focused for the lab.

A diagram of a lab setup