Students learn to read scales and apply their skills to find the volume of objects using a graduated cylinder. Students solve one- and two-step addition problems and subtraction problems related to the data in the volume lab.

Use this list of Expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Use words and symbols (e.g., <, >, =) to show comparisons of quantities (e.g., volumes).
E2* Use and apply place value concepts and comparative language to compare and order volumes (e.g., greater, least, greater than, less than).
E3* Solve addition and subtraction word problems (e.g., part-whole, join, compare) involving volume.
E4 Read and interpret a variety of scales (e.g., graduated cylinder, thermometer) calibrated by twos, fives, and tens.
E5 Measure volume by displacement using a graduated cylinder.
E6 Make a bar graph to find information about a data set.
E7 Read a table and bar graph to find information about a data set.
E8 Use a table and bar graph to solve problems about a data set.
E9* Demonstrate fluency with the subtraction facts related to the addition facts in Group C (9 − 2, 9 − 3, 9 − 6, 9 − 7, 10 − 1, 10 − 2, 10 − 3, 10 − 4, 10 − 5, 10 − 6, 10 − 7, 10 − 8, 10 − 9, 11 − 2, 11 − 3, 11 − 4, 11 − 5, 11 − 6, 11 − 7, 11 − 8, 11 − 9).
E10* Determine the unknown number in an addition or subtraction sentence relating three whole numbers for the facts in Group C.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation