Lesson 3

Filling Graduated Cylinders

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Developing the Lesson

Review Reading Graduated Cylinders. Display the Looking at the Graduated Cylinder Master from Lesson 2 to review concepts learned about reading graduated cylinders. Also discuss the important points to remember when reading a graduated cylinder by reviewing the tip chart made in Lesson 2. Ask volunteers to demonstrate how to read the two graduated cylinders you prepared.

Demonstrate How to Fill a Graduated Cylinder. Using an empty graduated cylinder, demonstrate how to fill it to a specified level. Ask a student volunteer to be your partner and reader as you demonstrate how to fill a graduated cylinder.

  • Watch my actions carefully as [student name] and I show how to fill in the cylinder with water. Then I'll ask you to describe the process. [Student name] will watch to read the level as I pour the water to 50 cc. What should my partner remember to do as I pour? ([Student name] should watch at eye level as you pour the water.)

Place the cylinder on a level surface and pour the water into the cylinder and stop at just below 50 cc.

  • What is the level of the water now? (Possible response: It's not 50 cc; it's only 48 cc.)
  • Good, that's just where I want it.

Next use an eyedropper to raise the water gradually to the desired level. Ask your partner to read the meniscus at eye level, as you also do the same, to make sure the water is at 50 cc. Compare readings aloud.

  • What do you think are the important steps to remember when filling a graduated cylinder? (1. Put the cylinder down on a flat surface. 2. Bend down so your eyes are level with the water. 3. Stop pouring a little below the volume you want and fill the rest with an eyedropper. 4. Read the bottom of the meniscus and check with your partner to see if it is right.)
  • Why do you think it is good to stop pouring before reaching the desired water level? (It's easier to fill the cylinder up a little at a time with the eyedropper instead of pouring in too much and trying to pour out just enough to get the volume you want.)

Fill Graduated Cylinders. Display the Filling Graduated Cylinders pages in the Student Activity Book as students look at their own copies. Review the materials and directions, and demonstrate how to record a volume on the chart. Make sure students understand the directions for the activity. Students play different roles depending on whose turn it is. Have them complete the activity, recording their volumes on their charts. Remind them about labeling their answers with the correct unit, either cc or cubic centimeters.

Circulate about the room as students are working to observe their abilities to fill the cylinders accurately. Partners' readings may vary but should be close if not the same. Filling the cylinder to an exact starting volume is a necessary skill to determine volume by displacement, which students will do in Lesson 4.

Our Building Plan from the Building Plans pages
Possible ways to find the volume of Emily's building