Lesson 4

Measuring Volume

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Developing the Lesson

Part 3: Analyzing the Data

Have students analyze and discuss their results. Allow time for several students to share the data they collected and to explain how they found the volume of a set of objects. Ask students to compare the measured volume of the train of centimeter connecting cubes with its known volume. We will use a train of 8 cubes as an example.

  • Which object did you know the volume of ahead of time? (the train of centimeter connecting cubes)
  • What was its volume? (8 cc)
  • What did you measure its volume to be in the graduated cylinder? (Answers may vary. The volume should be 8 cc.)
  • What was the water level after you added the cube train? (88 cc)
  • How did you figure out the volume? (88 − 80 = 8 cc or 80 + 8 = 88 cc)
  • You found the volume two ways: counting cubes or replacing the object in the graduated cylinder. Did the measurements match?
  • I have another object. This object has a volume of 15 cc. What is the volume of the cube train and this object together? (Possible response: 23 cc)
  • What will happen to the water level if I place this 15 cc object and the cube train to the graduated cylinder? (Possible response: The water will rise to 103 cc; that is over 100 cc.)
  • How is this lab different from the lab Marshmallows and Containers? (In the lab Marshmallows and Containers, we found the volume by measuring how much a container could hold inside. This is also called the capacity, or space inside a container. In this lab, we found the space each object takes up.)

Explore the Volume Data. Ask student pairs to discuss and complete Questions 4–10 in the Student Activity Book.

  • How did you solve that problem?
  • What did you need to know to solve that problem?
  • How did you compare those two volumes?

When most students have completed Questions 4–10, discuss Questions 9–10.

Use the Measuring Volume pages with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to use words and symbols (e.g., <, >, =) to show comparisons of quantities (e.g., volumes) [E1]; use and apply place value concepts and comparative language to compare and order volumes (e.g., most, least, greater) [E2]; solve addition and subtraction problems (e.g., part-whole, join, compare) involving volume [E3]; read and interpret a variety of scales (e.g., graduated cylinder, thermometer) [E4]; measure volume by displacement using a graduated cylinder [E5]; make a bar graph to find information about a data set [E6]; read a table and bar graph to find information about a data set [E7]; and use a table and bar graph to solve problems about a data set [E8].

To provide targeted practice with measuring volume by displacement, place copies of the Measuring Volume Practice Assessment Master and the necessary supplies in a learning center. Students can measure volume to then compare and order the volume of those objects.

In Question 9, students represent a problem using a symbol for the unknown number.

  • What number sentence did you use? (Answers will vary.)
  • How does 50 cc + = 105 cc represent this problem? (Possible response: It shows the numbers and the missing number in the order the information was told in the problem. It shows that you join the 50 cc to the unknown number to get 105 cc.)
  • What strategies would you use to solve 50 cc + = 105 cc? (Possible response: You could add or subtract, or count up or down on a number line.)

For Question 10, students find strategies to triple the volume of an object and then determine if the water will overflow the 100-cc mark on the graduated cylinder. Have students read the problem.

  • What do you need to determine first to answer the questions? (You need to know how much the water will rise when three rocks are added.)
  • What do you think will happen? Share your prediction. (Possible responses: I think the water will go up a lot and be close to 100 cc. I think the water will go past 100 cc and will spill over the top.)
  • When you add or skip count three times, you triple the starting amount. What is triple the volume of 5 cc? How did you find out? (Possible responses: Triple 5 cc is 15 cc. I added 5 three times to get 15 cc. I skip counted by five three times: 5, 10, 15 cc.)

See the Sample Dialog and Figure 5 for three different students' strategies for tripling a quantity.

The following examples show different student approaches to tripling a number. The examples are excerpted from a videotape of a classroom discussion.

Teacher: How did you triple the amount of your volume? And then tell how you decided whether it would overflow the 100-cc mark?

Jacob: I did one pencil and when I put it in, it was 4 cc. So 3 times that is 12.

Teacher: How did you know 3 times 4 is 12?

Jacob: I knew that 3 times 4 would be 12 because I knew that 4 plus 4 is 8. And 2, if you break 4 into 2 + 2, you can put 2 to the 8 and then you'll have 10. Then you add another 2 and that equals to 12.

Teacher: So does that make the water overflow the 100-cc mark?

Jacob: No. See, you start at 80. You take 10 and that's 90. Then 2 more is only 92.

Grace: I learned how to find 3 times, but I did it a different way.

Teacher: How did you do it?

Grace: I did it by plusses.

Teacher: And how did you do that?

Grace: Like with my links, I had 4 links, and it was 8.

Teacher: Eight what, Grace?

Grace: 8 cc. 4 links is 8 cc. Eight plus 8 is 16, plus another 8 is 24.

Allow time for students to complete the problem and ask them to describe what they thought would happen.

  • How did you determine what will happen? How do you know? (Possible response: It overflowed the 100-cc mark but there is enough room at the top of the graduated cylinder so it doesn't spill over. Possible responses: I skip counted by 20 cc three times starting at 50 and ended at 110 cc: 50, 70, 90, 110. I added 20 three times: 20 + 20 + 20 = 60 cc and then added 60 + 50 = 110 cc.)
Student strategies for tripling a number
Sample Triple the Volume of Objects Data Table