Lesson 2

Reading Graduated Cylinders

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

When all students have recorded data for each of the cylinders, ask different pairs of students to report their results to the class.

  • Were there any measurements for which you and your partner did not agree?
  • What did you do to resolve your disagreement?
  • Were you able to figure out what the mistake was?
  • Did anyone have trouble reading the meniscus?
  • Did one of you make a mistake like the ones discussed?
  • How did you help your partner when he or she made a mistake?

Show the display of the data table from the Reading Graduated Cylinders pages again. Call on volunteer pairs to fill in the column labeled Agreed Reading. Ask the other students to compare the readings written on the display with their own readings. Encourage them to ask questions if they notice discrepancies. If significant numbers of students disagree on the reading for a particular graduated cylinder, ask students to reread the water level in that cylinder and discuss possible reasons for the different readings.

Tell students to make sure the numbers in the Agreed Reading column on their data tables match those on the display. Students should change any Agreed Readings that don't match the display, as they will be used in Check-In: Question 2 on the Reading Graduated Cylinders pages.

  • What is the difference in volume of Cylinder D and Cylinder G? (35 cc)
  • What is the volume of Cylinder G combined with Cylinder F? (86 cc)

Provide time for students to complete Check-In: Questions 2–5.

Use Check-In: Questions 2–5 with the Feedback Box on the Reading Graduated Cylinders pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to use and apply place value concepts and comparative language to compare and order volumes [E2]; solve addition and subtraction word problems involving volume [E3]; read and interpret a graduated cylinder calibrated by twos, fives, and tens [E4]; use a table [E8]; and use labels [MPE6].

Possible ways to describe one of the 4-cube buildings