Lesson 6

Workshop: Addition

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Share Workshop Experiences. Select a few problems from the Workshop to discuss as a class. You might choose these problems to represent common areas of difficulty for students or areas where students made significant progress over the course of the lesson. You may also choose to discuss problems all or most students would have solved. Questions 8–9, 14, 15E–G, and 20 should have been completed by all students.

Distribute and assign the Addition and Place Value Quiz Assessment Master to students. Provide feedback to students on the Feedback Box.

Use the Addition and Place Value Quiz Assessment Master with Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to represent and solve addition problems [E2]; add multidigit numbers with mental math strategies [E3] and paper-and-pencil methods [E4]; and estimate sums [E5].

Some students may not have completed all of their selected questions in a section before you introduce the next section with the whole class. While this may mean interrupting students' flow of work, it is also important that students who complete problems more quickly are able to continue working. For students who need more time, unfinished problems can be completed at the end of the Workshop lesson or for homework. For students who finish all of their selected problems before the rest of the class, encourage them to work on more advanced problems from the menus or to continue identifying palindromes from Part 1 of the lesson.