Lesson 4

Exponents and Large Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Review with students how Archimedes made his estimate for the number of grains of sand in a marble-sized sphere as described on page 150 in the Student Guide.

  • Archimedes estimated that a sphere about the size of a marble would hold about 40 × 40 × 40 = 64,000 poppy seeds. How can you write that using exponents? (403 = 64,000 poppy seeds)
  • How many grains of sand did Archimedes decide it would take to have the same volume as one poppy seed? (10,000 grains of sand)
  • How did Archimedes estimate the number of grains of sand in a marble-sized sphere? (64,000 × 10,000 = 640,000,000 grains of sand)
  • Mr. Moreno's class estimated that 4000 marbles would fit inside the aquarium in their classroom. Using Archimedes' estimate for the volume of a marble-sized sphere, about how many grains of sand will fit in their aquarium? Show or tell how you know. (Possible response: 640,000,000 × 4000 = 2,560,000,000,000 or about 2.5 trillion grains of sand.)

As students discuss these questions, encourage them to read the numbers out loud to practice reading large numbers.