Volume of Cube Models
Est. Class Sessions: 2–3Developing the Lesson
Part 4: Make Building Copies
In this activity, students use spatial visualization and their knowledge of volume to construct an accurate copy of a building. Arrange students in groups of two or three for this activity. Each member of the group will need 15 connecting cubes of the same color but each member should have a different color from other members on the team.
Tell students that in each round one group member will play the role of the builder and the other team members will play the role of the apprentices who copy the building constructed by the builder. Use the display of the Rules for Cube Buildings Master to remind students what is and is not acceptable when constructing a building with cubes.
To begin the activity the builder can use any number
of the
15 cubes to construct a building. After the
builder has completed his or her building, the apprentices
in the group study the building and then try to
replicate it exactly using their own cubes.
Demonstrate the activity by building a cube structure and asking a student to copy it.
As appropriate, use the following probing questions to direct the student:
As students begin the activity, tell the builders that they should observe the progress of the apprentices and ask questions to help, as needed. Observe students as they work, reminding them that they measure the volume of their buildings by counting the number of cubes. Encourage students who were apprentices to report the volume of the building their builder constructed in cubic units and to share the strategies they used to copy their building. Have students trade roles and complete the activity again.