Lesson 3

Strategies to Find Volume

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Ask students to find the TIMS Radio Tower page in the Student Activity Book. Direct each student to build a cube model of the tower on this page and complete Questions 1–4. To complete these questions, students are asked to find the floors and volume of their cube model and then communicate their solution strategy. Before they begin work, show a display of the Math Practices page from the Student Activity Book Reference section and review Expectation 5, Show my work and Expectation 6, Use labels.

Use the TIMS Radio Tower pages with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students’ abilities to measure the volume of a cube model by building a model and counting cubic units [E3]; solve problems involving volume using repeated addition and skip counting [E1]; represent the volume of a cube model using symbols and connecting cubes [E2]; show work [MPE5]; and use labels to show what numbers mean [MPE6].

Targeted Practice. Place 30 connecting cubes, a calculator, and the Rules for Cube Buildings Master from Lesson 1 in a learning center. Working with a partner, one student builds a tower using between 10 and 30 cubes that follows the rules for building cube models. When the building is complete, the other student uses strategies to find the volume of the building. He or she shares their strategy with their partner who checks their work for accuracy. Partners can then change roles and repeat the process.
