lesson 5

Compute with Mass

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Make 99 Game

Display the first Make 99 Game page from the Student Activity Book and explain the directions. Demonstrate the game by playing a few turns with a student. Record the number sentences on the display of the Make 99 Recording Sheet. As you play, engage students in a discussion about using various strategies for adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number. Use the Sample Dialog to guide your discussion of using strategies to add larger numbers. Distribute the decks of digit cards to student pairs so they can play the game a few times.

Suggest to students that they try different strategies while playing the game.

  • How can you add those numbers using a mental math strategy?
  • I see you [counted on]. Is there another strategy you could use to add these numbers?

Use this Sample Dialog to discuss student strategies for adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number.

Teacher: Imagine that the total on the Add Pile is 47. Robbie wants to play a 6 card. What strategy would you use to add 47 and 6?

Linda: I would count on my fingers. I put 47 in my head and then I counted on: 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53.

Romesh: I did the same thing but I looked at the number line.

Teacher: So you both counted on. You just used different tools—fingers and the number line. Is there a different way to add it in your head?

Jessie: I went up to 50 first. I took 3 from the 6, because 3 is the partner number for 7. So that makes 50 and then I have 3 left. So that’s 53.

Teacher: Jessie went to the nearest ten first, which was 50, before adding on. He was thinking of the make-ten strategy when he added the 3 to make the next ten. Did anyone do it a different way?

Michael: I know my addition facts. So I thought that it is like adding 7 plus 6, except it is forty-seven plus 6. 7 plus 6 is 13, so 47 plus 6 is 53.

Faith: I thought of 47 as 40 + 7. Then I added 7 + 6 = 13 and 40 + 13 = 53.

Teacher: Now the total on the Add Pile is 53. What card would you place on the pile?

Mark: I would play a 3 card. To add 53 + 3, I would use doubles. 3 + 3 is 6, so 53 + 3 = 56.

Teacher: As you play the game, think of efficient strategies you can use to add a two-digit number and a one-digit number.
