First Names
Est. Class Sessions: 3Homework and Practice
- Assign the Family Names Data Table and Family Names Graph pages in the Student Activity Book after completing the lab in class. There are two parts to the assignment that can be done on successive nights. Using the Family Names Data Table, each student collects family first names. On the second evening, he or she graphs the data on the Family Names Graph. Students can also write about how their family graphs compare with the class graph.
- Assign the Careless Professor Peabody page in the Student Activity Book. This page provides practice reading a bar graph.
- Assign DPP items A–F. Bits A and C involve partitioning numbers and Task B asks students to write a story for a number sentence. DPP Bit E and Task F provide practice with telling time.
Math Facts. DPP Task D asks students to analyze an incorrect solution to a subtraction math fact question.