Use a pointer or meterstick if the class number line is hanging
higher than can be easily reached.
Compare Number Lines. Direct students' attention to the class number line and the number lines on their desk.
Use the following discussion prompts to compare them:
- Tell me what you see when you look at the class number line. (It is a line and it has all the numbers from 0 to 130. The numbers are written below dots or points.)
- Describe what you see when you look at the number lines on your desk. (It is a line and it has all the fives and tens from 0 to 100. The numbers are written below marks on the line. The biggest marks are for the tens; there are medium marks for the fives, and smaller marks for the rest of the numbers.)
- How are the two number lines the same? How are they different? (Possible responses: They are both lines with numbers in order. The class number line goes up to 130 and my desk number line goes only to 100. The class number line has dots and all the numbers are written below the dots. The desk number line has only the fives and tens written under marks. The numbers for the tens are darker than the numbers for the fives.)
- Are all the other counting numbers represented on your desk number line? If so, how? (Possible responses: The numbers are not written, but there are little marks for them. You have to think about what numbers go where for the numbers that are not fives or tens because they are not written below the little marks.)
- Is 28 on your number lines? If so, how can you find it? (Possible response: Yes, just go three marks past 25.)
- Show me 28 on your desk number line. How should I count from 25? (Start at 25. Then on 26, say 26, then 27, 28.)
Ask a student to point to 28 on the class number line and compare the location of where he or she is pointing to 28 on his or her desk number lines.
Skip Counting on the Number Line. Display and discuss DPP item G. As the class works through the questions, have one student model on the class number line while students use their desk number lines.