Lesson 6

Workshop: Addition

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. 23
  2. 111
  3. 50
  4. 32
  5. 41
  6. 51
  7. 86
  8. 77
  9. 104

Discuss possible strategies for finding the answers to these problems. Encourage the use of the number line with the base-ten hopper. Students can use the base-ten hopper to add 10 and subtract 1.

For example; to add 14 + 9, students start at 14 and hop forward 1 hop of ten and back 1 to 23.

Compare the patterns students described in Bit EE to the patterns found when adding 9.

FF. Adding Nine

Solve the problems. Look for patterns.

  1. 14 + 9 =
  2. 102 + 9 =
  3. 41 + 9 =
  4. 23 + 9 =
  5. 32 + 9 =
  6. 42 + 9 =
  7. 77 + 9 =
  8. 68 + 9 =
  9. 95 + 9 =

Explain your strategy for adding nine.