Students extend their ways of thinking about addition and subtraction to problems with larger numbers. Students also use their prior knowledge of addition and skip counting to solve problems involving repeated addition (multiplication) and subtraction (division).

Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1 Represent addition and subtraction problems using counters, number lines, ten frames, drawings, or number sentences.
E2 Represent repeated addition and repeated subtraction using counters, drawings, and number sentences.
E3 Solve repeated addition and repeated subtraction problems using drawings, skip counting, and invented strategies.
E4* Use mental math strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with larger numbers (e.g., 2 digit + 1 digit).
E5 Estimate sums and differences using ten as a benchmark.
E6 Identify and describe patterns in addition and subtraction problems represented in a rule machine.
E7 Read a table or bar graph to make predictions and solve problems about a data set.
E8* Demonstrate fluency with the addition facts with sums to ten in Group C (1 + 9, 2 + 7, 2 + 8,
3 + 6, 3 + 7, 4 + 6, 5 + 5).
E9* Use math fact strategies to add (direct modeling, counting strategies, or reasoning from known facts) for the facts in Group C (2 + 9, 3 + 8, 4 + 7, 5 + 6).
E10* Determine the unknown number in an addition or subtraction sentence relating three whole numbers for the facts in Group C.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation