Model Repeated Addition and Subtraction
Est. Class Sessions: 2–3Developing the Lesson
Part 3: Solve Problems with Repeated Addition and Subtraction
When students have drawn 4 mice, pose questions similar to the following about the various features of the mice:
Repeat with other features and numbers of mice. Then ask:
Display the Number of Math Mice Features Master. Ask students to help you fill in the data table, recording the number of features for one, two, three, and four mice. See Figure 3. As the table is filled in, ask students to look for patterns and relate them to skip counting. Have students demonstrate the patterns on the number line and a display of the 100 Chart from the Student Activity Book Reference section.
After students are familiar with strategies for finding the number of features that are part of the mice in front of them, increase the number of mice to 5 and ask questions such as the following:
Fill in the data for the number of features on 5 mice.
Then ask questions about the features on
6 mice:
Fill in the data for the number of features on 6 mice. Use Sample Dialog 2 to guide your discussion for solving problems for multiple mice.
Next give students problems such as the following to give them practice with repeated addition and repeated subtraction: