Lesson 6

Solving Repeated Addition and Subtraction Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Developing Strategies for Repeated Subtraction Problems

Read the problem on the Royal Rabbits section of the Golden Eggs pages in the Student Activity Book. Ask student pairs to solve the problem presented in Question 1 using pictures, connecting cubes, number lines, or a 100 Chart. Let students decide for themselves how to solve the problem and then show their work on the page.

Monitor the students' work and take note of the different strategies they use. As partners work together, ask questions that will help you determine if students understand the problem. However, try not to push students toward a particular strategy.

  • How did you decide to start solving the problem? Explain your thinking.
  • Tell me about your picture. What do these [Xs, circles, lines, squares] stand for?
  • How many rabbits are there? (20) How many pens? (4)
  • What do you need to find out? (how many rabbits will go in each pen)
  • What label should you use so we know what the numbers mean? (rabbits)

Upon completion, have students explain their work to the rest of the class. Select students with a variety of solution strategies. Encourage students to listen carefully to one another and compare strategies.

  • How did you represent the rabbits? How did you show the rabbit pens?
  • How is your drawing like or different from the way that [student name] showed the rabbits and pens?
  • How did you decide how many rabbits to place in each pen?
  • What were you thinking when you started?
  • Did you change your strategy as you solved the problem?