Lesson 2

The Mouse-Proof Shelf

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Students will need 200 Charts and number lines readily available.

  1. 122 cm + 8 cm = 130 cm
  2. 141 cm + 11 cm = 152 cm
  3. Darius is taller because 152 cm is more than 130 cm tall.

Encourage students to share their solution strategies.

F. Centimeters

  1. Emily is 8 centimeters taller than her younger brother. If her brother is 122 centimeters tall, how tall is Emily? Show or tell how you know.
  2. Darius is eleven centimeters taller than his sister, Natasha. If Natasha is 141 centimeters tall, how tall
    is Darius?
  3. Who is taller, Emily or Darius?