Lesson 1


Est. Class Sessions: 1

Developing the Lesson

Describe Squares and Rectangles. Begin by showing students the square and non-square rectangles you cut out before class. See Materials Preparation.

  • What do we call these shapes? (a square and a rectangle)
  • How are they alike? (They both have 4 straight sides and 4 square corners. All the corners are the same shape.)
  • How are they different? (The non-squares have two short sides and two long sides, but the square's sides are all the same length.)

As students describe squares and rectangles, list the descriptions on chart paper.

  • What is a rectangle? (a shape with 4 sides and 4 corners; all the corners look the same; a rectangle can have sides that are not the same length)
  • What is a square? (a shape with 4 sides and 4 corners; all the sides and corners are exactly the same)
  • Who can use a ruler to measure the sides of the square? Are they all the same length? (yes)
  • Does a square have 4 sides and 4 of the same corners? (yes)
  • Is a square a rectangle? How do you know? (Yes; it has 4 sides and 4 corners. Its sides are all the same length, so it is a special rectangle.) [See Content Note.]
  • All squares are rectangles, but are all rectangles squares? How do you know? (No, not all rectangles are squares because some rectangles have sides that are not all the same length. A square's sides are all the same length.)

Squares and Rectangles. Students often think that a square is not a rectangle. They believe that all rectangles have one side longer than another. This may result from the fact that almost every shape they see labeled as a rectangle has one side longer than another. However, a rectangle is a shape with four sides and four right angles. A square also has four right angles and is, therefore, a rectangle. A rectangle with congruent sides is a square. This means a square is a special rectangle.

Describe Cubes. Distribute a cube to each student pair. Ask students to look carefully at the cube.

  • Describe the cube. Tell me in words what it looks like. (Possible responses: It doesn't look flat; it has length, width, and height; it looks like a lot of squares put together; it has corners; it has 6 faces; it looks like a die; it has straight sides; the four edges of each face are all the same length)
  • Who can use a ruler to measure the edges of the cube? Are they all the same length? (yes)

Students may begin by talking about the holes and bumps. Guide them to a discussion of the characteristics that make an object a cube. Write student comments on another piece of chart paper and use the comments to make distinctions between the cube and the square. See Figure 1 for guidance on the comparison.

Define Same Shape. Tell students that in this unit they will be putting connecting cubes together to make structures that are called "buildings." Link four connecting cubes horizontally and stack four other connecting cubes vertically. See Figure 2. Have students build the same two structures.

  • Are these buildings the same shape or are they two different shapes? (same shape) Why?

Let the students discuss this in small groups for a few minutes. Then have the groups explain to the class what they decided and why. Lead students to an agreement that these two are the same shape.

  • If I turn this [horizontal] to stand on end [like the vertical structure], did anything change about its shape? Is it still the same shape? What stayed the same? (The way you are holding it is different. It still has four cubes all in a row like the other one.)
  • Now, is this the same shape or is it a different shape? (same shape)
  • Can we agree that this is the same shape regardless of how we hold it in space? (yes)

Have the class come to the understanding that two shapes are the same shape if one can be turned or rotated to look identical to the other.

Make Shapes with Four Cubes.

  • How many different shapes can you make using four connecting cubes?

Have student pairs make the buildings and find as many possible solutions as they can. Figure 3 shows the eight shapes that are possible using four connecting cubes. See Content Note.

Mirror Images. Note that Shapes G and H in Figure 3 are mirror images of each other. If you only look at the pictures, you might think they were the same shape, only in different positions. However, you cannot move one so it is exactly like the other. This is a fairly subtle idea, and since it is likely that some of your students will have difficulty with visual reversals, you may not want to belabor this point.

  • How are you checking to make sure that you are not making the same shape twice? (Possible response: I turn it, flip it, and spin it around.)
  • How is this shape different from this one?
  • How is this shape like this one? (Possible responses: same number of cubes; both are straight; both are not straight; both are like a square)
  • How do you know when one shape is different from another? (Possible response: Even when I turn it, flip it, or spin it, it looks different.)
  • Can you describe your shape with a number sentence?

Arrange your cubes as in Shape A from Figure 3. Show this building to the students.

  • How would you describe this building in words? Use words like rows, columns, height, front, back, left, and right. (Possible responses: It is straight; all the cubes are in a row; all the cubes are in a column; it is "all up and down".)
  • If you had to write a number sentence about this building, what could you write? Show us how the numbers in the sentence match the cubes in the building. (Possible responses: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4, 4 + 0 = 4, 0 + 4 = 4, 2 + 2 = 4)
  • How did you use marshmallows to find the volume of containers in Unit 5? (We filled them with marshmallows and counted the number needed to fill the containers.)
  • Let's change the unit from marshmallows to cubes or cubic units. How many cubes or cubic units are in this building? (4 cubes or 4 cubic units)
  • What is the volume of this building? (4 cubic units)
  • How did you find the volume? (Possible responses: I added the numbers in the number sentence. I counted the cubes.)
  • What important label should you include so, you know what the numbers mean? (cubic units)

Now arrange the cubes as in Shape D from Figure 3. Show this building to the students.

  • How would you describe this building in words? (Possible responses: There is one on top and three in a row on the bottom; it goes one cube, then two cubes, then one cube; it has a column of 1, a column of 2, then a column of 1; it has 1 in the top row, 3 in the bottom row; it looks like a triangle sort of; it looks like a "T".)
  • If you had to write a number sentence about this building, what could you write? (Possible responses: 1 + 2 + 1 = 4, 1 + 3 = 4, 3 + 1 = 4)
  • How many cubes or cubic units are in this building? (4 cubes or 4 cubic units)
  • What is the volume of this building? (4 cubic units)
  • Can different shapes have the same volume? (yes)
  • Does 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 + 2 + 1? (yes)

When students finish, encourage the pairs to select one shape they made and describe it to the class. Ask them to come up with a number sentence to describe their shape. Have other students look at their own shapes and consider whether they made the same shape as the one being described.

  • Did anyone else make the same shape that [student name] is describing? How do you know it is the same?
  • How many cubes does it have?
  • How is it constructed?
  • What did [student name] say in the description that made you think it was the same as yours?
  • Can you turn yours so that it looks just like [student name]'s?
  • Would you add anything to the description?
  • Can someone else describe [student name]'s shape?
  • Can you name a different number sentence?
Comparing squares to cubes
Two buildings that are the same shape
Models of eight different shapes made with four cubes