Lesson 3

Architects in Cubeland

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

Display the Missing Columns Master. Students are shown building plans, volumes, and incomplete number sentences. For each plan, they are to determine the height of the missing piece and complete the number sentence.

  • How can you use a building plan to find the volume of a building? (I can add all the numbers on the building plan.)
  • What if you knew the building's volume, but one of the numbers on the plan that shows a column's height was missing? How can you figure out what that missing number is? (Strategies will vary. Possible response: I can start with the volume and subtract the other numbers on the plan from it. The number I am left with is the missing number. It tells the height of that column.)

Have students explain their strategies for finding the height of the missing columns on the Missing Columns Master. Some will likely use subtraction and some will use addition.

Assign the What Is the Volume pages in the Student Activity Book. Students will count and add to find the volume of the buildings, write number sentences, and solve problems involving volume.

Use the What Is the Volume pages and the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to solve problems (e.g., part-whole, join) involving volume [E2]; apply the properties of addition (e.g., commutative, associative) to write number sentences that represent the volume of a building [E3]; recognize that different shapes can have the same volume [E1, E6]; count and add cubes to find volume [E8]; and show work [MPE5].

Possible ways to describe one of the 4-cube buildings