Lesson 4

Buildings and Plans

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Ask students to read the instructions on the Building Detective pages in the Student Activity Book. It is important that each student knows what is being asked in order to construct Romesh's building.

Display the Math Practices page from the Student Activity Book Reference section. Direct students' attention to MPE1, Know the problem.

  • Did you read the question carefully? Do you know what to do in order to complete Questions 1 and 2?

Students need to recognize that they have to interpret Romesh's number sentence so that they can draw a building plan for his building, construct his building, construct their own building with the same volume, make a plan for their building, and write number sentences.

To complete the task, students need to know what is being asked and expected of them:

  1. The number sentence that Romesh gave for his building is 6 + 6 + 1 = 13 cubic units.
  2. Draw a building plan of Romesh's building.
  3. Construct Romesh's building.
  4. Construct a different building with the same volume as Romesh's building.
  5. Make a building plan of the new building.
  6. Write a number sentence that shows a way to find the volume for the new building.

Next, focus students' attention on MPE5, Show my work, and MPE6, Use labels.

  • How can you show or tell how you solved the problem so someone can see why your strategy makes sense? (Someone else should be able to point out the cubes in the building I built for Romesh that match the building plan and the numbers in Romesh's number sentence. Another person should be able to match the cubes in my building to my building plan and number sentence.)
  • What labels should you include to show what the numbers mean? (volume in cubic units and height in units)

Students should work in groups of two to four to solve the problem. Work can be displayed around the room so that comparisons can be made between each group's constructions.

  • How many different ways was Romesh's building constructed? How are they the same? How are they different?
  • How many different buildings with a volume of 13 cubic units were constructed? How are they the same? How are they different?
  • Can different shapes have the same volume? How do you know? (Yes, we have lots of different buildings and they all have a volume of 13 cubic units.)

Use the Building Detective pages with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to recognize that different partitions of a number have the same total [E1]; solve problems involving volume [E2]; make connections between a building of cubes, the building plan, a picture of the building, and number sentences [E4]; recognize that different shapes can have the same volume [E6]; count and add cubic units to find volume [E8]; construct a building plan given the volume [E9]; know the problem [MPE1]; show work [MPE5]; and use labels [MPE6].

Place the Building Plan Two Ways Master and connecting cubes in a center. Challenge students to build a tower or building and find at least two different ways to partition and represent volume.

Possible ways to describe one of the 4-cube buildings