Lesson 2

Building Plans in Cubeland

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Make Building Plans. Introduce students to the imaginary world of Cubeland—a place where all the buildings are made of cubes. Help students "see" the buildings from an aerial perspective. Tell them to pretend they are flying above Cubeland.

  • What will the buildings look like when you look down at them? (lots of squares)

Guide students to visualize that from this bird's-eye view, each cube looks like a square. Show students the Professor Peabody's Building Plan Master. Tell the following story:

  • Professor Peabody flew over Cubeland and made a map of a building he saw. He called the map a building plan. He recorded the number of cubes used in each column of a three-column building. Notice that the middle column is two cubes high while each of the side columns is one cube high. Build the building Professor Peabody saw.
  • What number sentences could describe the building Professor Peabody saw? Be sure to explain how the numbers in your sentence match the cubes. (If I count by columns, 1 + 2 + 1 = 4. If I count by rows, 3 + 1 = 4.)
  • Look at the measurements of the building. What is the height? (2 units)
  • How are the units for the height, a length, different from the units for the volume? (The unit for height is just units and the unit for volume is cubic units.)

Remind students that volume is the amount of space something takes up. Volume is measured in cubic units. Height is a length and is measured with linear units.

Use Professor Peabody's building plan to introduce the method that students will use to create and record the buildings they make.

Encourage students to discuss the fact that architects, construction workers, and builders work from a drawing or a blueprint. Students will, like Professor Peabody, use a special kind of blueprint we call a building plan.

Display the Our Building Plan section of the Building Plans pages in the Student Activity Book. Ask students to look at their page and make the building shown in Question 1. Place the building you prepared from Figure 1 on the grid and encourage students to imagine they are looking down at the structure from above. For Question 2, demonstrate how students can trace the bottom outline of their buildings onto the grid. Ask student volunteers to count the number of cubes in each column and then tell you what the numbers on the plan should be. Students should then record the height of each column on their plans. See Figure 5.

  • What number sentences describe this building (Question 3)? (One possible response: I looked at each row: 4 + 2 = 6.)
  • How do the numbers in the number sentence match with the cubes in the model? (There is one row on the bottom of 4 cubes and one row of 2 cubes on the top. There are 6 cubes total.)

Decide which Building Is Bigger. Students are now prepared to construct their own buildings. Ask them to make the two buildings on the Sara's Building section of the Building Plans pages. Question 4B may elicit several different answers. Point out that biggest can mean several different things. See the Sample Dialog.

The following is a dialog discussing the volume of Sara's building.

Teacher: How many thought Building B was the biggest? Can you tell me why, Shannon?

Shannon: Its height is two.

Teacher: Its height is two units, so that makes it bigger. Because she thinks bigger is taller.

Luis: So do I. I agree. Because it is two, but A has more. But A is thinner, but B is less, but it is thicker.

Teacher: So you think when maybe we talk about something being bigger, we say it is either taller, or wider, or it has more … volume?

Jacob: I don't agree with Luis. He's only thinking of taller, he's not thinking of wider or anything else.

Teacher: But how do you know what bigger means? If I asked you what is the biggest building in downtown Chicago, what would you say to me?

Jacob: The Willis Tower.

Teacher: You're telling me what building is the tallest building. So how do you know it is bigger? So do you think maybe Luis has a point? Or, maybe bigger could be tallest.

Jacob: Remember what we did with the marshmallows and that lab we did? Luis's not thinking about how wide it is.

Luis: Yes I am.

Teacher: So instead of saying biggest, Jacob, what word should we use to describe a building?

Jacob: Volume.

Teacher: So lets talk about the most volume. Then we'll talk about how tall it is. All right. We are not going to use biggest anymore. We are going to use words that clearly describe what we are talking about.

  • Which building is the tallest? (Building B, 2 units tall)
  • Which building is the widest? (Building A, 3 units wide)
  • Which building takes up the most space? (Building A)

Discuss Volume. Show students the two models of Sara's buildings you constructed with 8 cubes and 9 cubes prior to the lesson. See Materials Preparation.

  • What do you notice about each of these shapes? (Possible responses: The shapes are made out of connecting cubes; each shape looks different; one is taller and one is shorter; the sizes are different.)
  • How can you measure the amount of space occupied by each shape? (Possible response: You can count the cubes in each shape.)
  • What do you call the amount of space each object takes up? (volume)
  • Which building takes up the most space? Which building has the most volume? How do you know? (Building A, because it uses 9 cubes. Building B uses only 8 cubes.)

Measure Volume. Refer students back to the Marshmallows and Containers Lab in Unit 5.

  • How did you compare the volume of the containers? How did you find out how much each container could hold? (I counted the number of marshmallows that I could put in them.)
  • How did you compare the volume of the buildings? (I counted the cubes in each building.)
  • What if the cubes were different sizes? What would happen if you constructed a building with different-sized cubes? (I would have to be careful comparing the volume of one building to another. Two buildings that have the same number of cubes might be different sizes because the cubes were different sizes.)

Volume. Volume can be defined as the amount of space an object takes up or as the number of cubic units it takes to fill it. Students need to become familiar with the mathematical terms and also be able to connect them with their own language. Over the course of this unit, identify and define the correct mathematical terms (face, cube, cubic unit, volume) for the students. During discussions, refer to the mathematical terms but also use them interchangeably with language volunteered by the students, e.g., side, corner, etc.

You may find that it is difficult for students to cooperate when building a model. Suggest that they each build a model and compare them to see if they have the same result. Students can also trade roles where one student builds and the other checks each model.

Explain that when they construct buildings with connecting cubes, one cube occupies one cubic unit of space. So when they report the volume of Building A and say it is "9 cubic units," other people will know how much space the building takes up.

Refer students to the Find Volume pages in the Student Activity Book. Remind students that they can find the volume by answering the question, "How many cubes does the model have?" They should report the volume using cubic units. Students' strategies for determining the volume may vary.

Before students begin the assignment, direct their attention to Questions 2–3. After replicating Emily's building, students will need to use those same cubes to create a second building that is a different shape. They will record their model on a building plan.

Display the Rules for Building Plans Master as you explain these building restrictions:

  1. Cubes must always be properly connected.
  2. No balconies or arches allowed.

Show students examples of the buildings you prepared prior to the lesson that don't follow these rules. See Materials Preparation.

  • Why are these rules needed for building plans to make sense? How would you show a balcony or an arch on a building plan? (You can't tell from looking down if there are arches. It's hard to tell how many columns there are when cubes are not attached to one another.)

Have students complete the pages individually. Note that Question 2B asks students to compare their model of Emily's building with the one you made prior to the lesson. See Materials Preparation and the building in Figure 6.

Use Check-In: Questions 2–3 and the Feedback Box from the Find Volume pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to apply the properties of addition (e.g., commutative, associative) to write number sentences that represent the volume of a building [E3]; make connections between a building of cubes, the building plan, and number sentences [E4]; recognize that different shapes can have the same volume [E6]; count and add cubic units to find volume [E8]; show work [MPE5]; and use labels to show what numbers mean [MPE6].

Share Strategies for Finding Volume. Upon completion, direct students' attention to Question 2D on the Find Volume pages. Discuss students' strategies for finding the volume of Emily's building.

  • How did you find the volume of Emily's building?

Encourage students to brainstorm as many approaches as they can. For example, some students may have counted the individual cubes while others may have counted by rows, columns, or layers and then added. See Figure 6. Invite students to share their number sentences describing the volume. Have students point out what each number in their number sentences corresponds to on the plans.

As students share their strategies and number sentences, discuss two properties of addition. The commutative property of addition states that numbers (from the building plan for example) can be added in any order. The associative property of addition states that numbers can be grouped and added any way and the sum will not be affected. Students will apply these properties when they choose how to add the numbers together to find the volume.

Our Building Plan from the Building Plans pages
Possible ways to find the volume of Emily's building