Daily Practice and Problems

The Daily Practice and Problems (DPP) is a set of short exercises that provides a structure for ongoing review and study of math concepts, skills, and math facts. To support this daily routine, at least two DPP items are included for each class session. Nine icons designate the subject matter of the DPP items.

Math Facts
Number Sense

Unit 14 Daily Practice Problems A–Z

Choose a practice problem here
A Triangle Flash Cards: Group F Subtraction Facts B Addition Facts C Subtraction Facts and Families D Pennies E More Subtraction Facts and
F Sharing Cookies G Money to Spend H Sharing Cookies Again I Subtraction Practice:
Group F
J Numbers K Coin Jar L Number Sentences M Money N How Much Time O Button Collection P Comparing Numbers Q Subtraction Facts Quiz: Group F R Estimate Reading Minutes S Confused Contessa T More or Less Than 100 U Time Crawls V Volume Problem W Yards and Inches X Big Numbers Y Solve Two Ways Z Bikeathon DPP Teacher Notes

You and your students will need: Triangle Flash Cards: Group F, Subtraction Facts I Know charts, number lines, Addition Strategies Menus, Subtraction Strategies Menu for Larger Numbers, 200 Charts, a collection of coins, base-ten pieces, coin jars from Unit 1 Lesson 1, individual clocks, 12-inch rulers, and yardsticks. You will also need a demonstration clock.

Distribute DPP items to students. Display and read each item to prepare students to
work independently. Follow with a class discussion of their solutions and strategies.

Practice of the Addition Facts

Some DPPs focus on the development of the addition facts and the related subtraction facts. See Figure 1. See the Letter Home for more specifics about the math facts strategies developed in the DPPs in this unit.

Unit DPP Addition Facts Strategies Used Focus
9 Group A Counting On, Zero,
Thinking Addition
Use strategies fluently and solve fact families.
10   Group B Counting On, Zero,
Thinking Addition
11   Group C Making Ten, Using Ten,
Thinking Addition
12   Group D Using Doubles,
Thinking Addition
13 Group E Making Ten, Using Ten,
Thinking Addition
14 A, B, C, E,
G, I, Q
Group F
(14 − 4, 14 − 6, 14 − 8, 14 − 10, 15 − 5, 15 − 6, 15 − 9, 15 − 10, 16 − 6, 16 − 7, 16 − 9, 16 − 10, 17 − 7, 17 − 8, 17 − 9, 17 − 10, 18 − 8, 18 − 9, 18 − 10)
Making Ten, Using Ten,
Thinking Addition
15   All Facts

Figure 1: Development of subtraction math facts in Grade 2 and in this unit