Lesson 1

Place Value with Larger Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Connect Representations of Multidigit Numbers

Connect Base-Ten Pieces, Hoppers, and Number Sentences. Review with students what a base-ten hopper can and cannot do on a number line:

  • The base-ten hopper can only jump by ones, tens, and hundreds.
  • The base-ten hopper can move forward and backwards.
  • The base-ten hopper can start and stop at any number on the number line.
  • The number above each hop tells how far the base-ten hopper moved.
  • If the hop has a plus (+) sign, the base-ten hopper moved forward.
  • If the hop has a minus (−) sign, the base-ten hopper moved backward.

Use the display of the Open Number Lines Master and base-ten pieces to ask students how they would represent the number 1111 on the number line.

  • What number am I showing? (1111)
  • How would you write 1111 using digits? (1111)
  • How is a hop of 1000 different from a hop of 100? (Possible response: It's a larger jump.)
  • Show how the base-ten hopper can hop on the number line to reach this number. (See Figure 3.)
  • What is a number sentence that represents the hops on the number line? (Possible response: 1000 + 100 + 10 + 1 = 1111)
  • How can you show 1111 with base-ten shorthand? (See Figure 4.)

Some second-grade students have difficulty with the concept of writing numbers into the hundreds and thousands. They may write 1000269 for 1269 and 30064 for 364. Help students understand the value of each of the base-ten pieces and how to write the expanded form of numbers. Place value activities and games such as Take Your Places Please in Unit 6 will help students gain experience in writing numbers correctly.

Students may draw the hops starting with different base-ten pieces. For example, a student may draw hops starting with the pack and then move to the flat, skinny, and bit (1000 to 1100, to 1110, to 1111), and another could start with the bit and move to the skinny, flat, and pack. See Figure 3 for representations of ways to show 1111 on the number line using base-ten hoppers.

Next, ask students how they would represent the number 1324 with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule and on the number line.

  • How did you represent 1324 with base-ten pieces? (1 pack, 3 flats, 2 skinnies, 4 bits)
  • Is this using the Fewest Pieces Rule? How do you know? (Yes; I know because I can't make any trades.)
  • How can you show 1324 with base-ten shorthand? (See Figure 5.)
  • How can you show the number 1324 on the number line? (1 hop of 1000, 3 hops of 100, 2 hops of 10, 4 hops of 1)
  • What is a number sentence for the base-ten hops? (1000 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)
  • How can you write a number sentence using expanded form to represent the hops on the number line? (Possible response: I can combine the hops that are the same size: 1 hop of 1000 = 1000, 3 hops of 100 = 300, 2 hops of 10 = 20, and 4 hops of 4 = 4. The number sentence is 1000 + 300 + 20 + 4 = 1324.)

Show students a few more collections of base-ten pieces (up to 1200) and ask students to show the number on the number line with hops of the base-ten hopper, to write the number using base-ten shorthand, and to write a number sentence using the expanded form.

Have student pairs work on the Larger Hops pages in the Student Activity Book. Students worked on a similar activity in Unit 6 with numbers into the hundreds. This activity includes numbers into the thousands. Ask students to model each number with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule, represent each number on the number line with base-ten hops, and write a number sentence using the expanded form. Remind students to make their hops of 1000 larger than their hops of 100.

  • Does your model of the number use the Fewest Pieces Rule?
  • How can you show the difference between a hop of 1000 and a hop of 100? (Make it larger.)
  • How does the number sentence using the expanded form match the base-ten hops on the number line? (Possible response for 568: I made 5 hops of 100 which is equal to 500, 6 hops of ten which is equal to 60, and 8 hops of one which is equal to 8. My number sentence is 500 + 60 + 8 = 568.)
  • How are base-ten pieces, the hops on the number line, and the expanded form alike or different? (Possible response: They all show the same number. The 1000 is like the pack, the 100 is like the flat, the 10 is like the skinny, and the 1 is like the bit. For the expanded form, you combine all the hops of 1000, the hops of 100, the hops of 10, and the hops of 1 to write the number sentence.)

Compare and Order Multidigit Numbers. Ask students to work with a partner to display 1 pack, 2 flats, 8 skinnies, and 2 bits in one group and 1 pack, 2 skinnies, and 3 bits in another group. See Figure 6.

  • What number is represented by each group of base-ten pieces? (1282 and 1023)
  • Which number is larger? (1282)
  • How can you tell? (Possible response: They both have a pack, but 1282 has 2 flats and 1023 has 0 flats.)
  • If you didn't have base-ten pieces, how could you tell which number is larger? (Possible response: Since they both have thousands, I would look at the thousands column first to see which number has more thousands. If these digits are the same, I would go to the hundreds column and see which number has more hundreds, and so on.)
  • How would you represent these numbers using expanded form? (1000 + 0 + 20 + 3 = 1023 or 1000 + 20 + 3 = 1023 and 1000 + 200 + 80 + 2 = 1282)
  • What number sentence could you write to compare these two numbers? (1023 < 1282; 1282 > 1023)

In Unit 6, a Content Note addressed discussion points about comparing three-digit numbers. The same points can be applied to four-digit numbers:

  • Each representation uses the Fewest Pieces Rule.
  • The total number of base-ten pieces does not determine which number is greater.
  • Use the names of the pieces and the place value of the digits interchangeably. For example, for the numbers 1214 and 1402, a student may say, "I see that there is 1 pack in both numbers. One number has 2 flats and the other number has 4, so I know the one with 4 flats is larger." You can respond, "So you know that the thousands are the same and that 4 hundreds is more than 2 hundreds."
  • When comparing numbers, encourage students to think of the size of the pieces that represent the numbers so that they create visual images of the numbers.
  • If in two 4-digit numbers, one number has more packs than the other number, the one with more packs is the greater number.
  • If in two 4-digit numbers, the number of packs is the same, the one that has more flats will be the greater number.
  • If in two 4-digit numbers, the number of packs and flats is the same, the one with more skinnies will be the greater number.
  • If in two 4-digit numbers, the number of packs, flats, and skinnies is the same, the one with more bits will be the greater number.

Next have student pairs display 8 flats, 7 skinnies, and 2 bits in one group and one pack, 2 flats, 1 skinny, and 6 bits in another group. See Figure 7.

  • What number is represented by each group of base-ten pieces? (872 and 1216)
  • Which number is larger? (1216)
  • How can you tell? (Possible response: The number 1216 has digits into the thousands place and the number 872 only has digits to the hundreds place.)
  • How would you represent these numbers using the expanded form? (800 + 70 + 2 = 872 and 1000 + 200 + 10 + 6 = 1216)
  • What number sentence could you write to compare these two numbers? (872 < 1216; 1216 > 872)

For each of the following pairs of multidigit numbers, ask students to represent the numbers with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule. Then ask them to decide which number is larger and to write a number sentence using < or > to compare the numbers. See the Sample Dialog.

  • 345 and 369
  • 476 and 468
  • 1214 and 1402
  • 1323 and 1268

Use this Sample Dialog to guide your discussion of comparing numbers to a thousand.

Teacher: When you compare two numbers like 1323 and 1268, how can you tell which is larger?

Mark: I use base-ten pieces to represent the numbers. For 1323, I used one pack, 3 flats, 2 skinnies, and 3 bits. For 1268, I used one pack, 2 flats, 6 skinnies, and 8 bits. I counted all the pieces for each number. For 1323, I used 9 pieces and for 1268, I used 17 pieces, so 1268 is larger.

Teacher: What do you think of Mark's strategy?

Michael: I don't think that's right. You're not supposed to count the number of pieces. You have to think of the size of each of the base-ten pieces. A pack is the same as a thousand bits. The number 1000 is larger than 29 even though 29 has more pieces.

Chloe: That's right. It's like when you're counting money. You have to think of the value of each coin. A dime is not the same as a penny and a ten is not the same as a one.

Teacher: Does anyone else have any ideas?

Karly: I write the numbers in expanded form: 1323 is 1000 + 300 + 20 + 3 and 1268 is 1000 + 200 + 60 + 8. That helps me to think of the value of each digit. If I think of the one in the thousands place as 1000, the 3 in the hundreds place as 300, the 2 in the tens place as 20, and the 3 in the ones place as 3, I can add them and I get 1323.

Teacher: What else do you have to think about when you compare numbers?

Lauren: When I use base-ten pieces to compare numbers I make sure I use the Fewest Pieces Rule. That helps me to compare thousands to thousands, hundreds to hundreds, and so on.

Teacher: That's a good point. After you make all the trades you can make, what do you do next?

Connor: I start with the packs. If they have a different number of packs, the number with more packs is larger. If both numbers have the same number of packs, I go to the flats. If they both have the same number of flats, I keep going to the skinnies and bits. If they have a different number of flats, I see which one has more and that's the larger number.

Teacher: That's a great strategy. What can you do if you don't have base-ten pieces?

Brandon: I just looked at 1323 and 1268. Since both numbers have thousands, I looked at the rest of the numbers. I know that 323 is larger than 268, so 1323 is larger than 1268.

Teacher: Great thinking, class! You showed me that you have a good understanding of place value.

Ask students to display 1 pack, 3 flats, 8 skinnies, and 4 bits in one group and 1 pack, 2 flats, 18 skinnies, and 4 bits in another group. See Figure 8.

  • Which set of base-ten pieces represents the larger number? How do you know? (Possible response: They are both the same number. When I used the Fewest Pieces Rule, I traded 10 of the 18 skinnies for a flat and I got the same answer.)
  • What number do both sets represent? (1384)
  • What number sentence can you write to represent each number? (1000 + 300 + 80 + 4 and 1000 + 200 + 180 + 4)

Using the Fewest Pieces Rule, have a student demonstrate how to trade 10 of the 18 skinnies for a flat so that students can see that the two sets of pieces represent the same number.

  • Is this a true statement: 1000 + 300 + 80 + 4 = 1000 + 200 + 180 + 4? Explain how you know. (Possible response: Yes; after we made all the trades we could make, we had the same number. If you add the numbers, you'll get the same answer.)

Ask students to display 1216, 527, and 1024 with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule. Then have students display them in order from smallest to greatest.

  • How do you know which number is the greatest? How do you know which number is the smallest? How do the base-ten pieces help you determine the order of the numbers? (Possible response: The pack is the largest piece, so if a number has packs it's larger than a number that doesn't have any packs. I know 1216 and 1024 are larger than 527. Since 1216 and 1024 both have packs, I look at the flats next and 1216 has two flats and 1024 has no flats. The order is 527, 1024, and 1216.)
  • When you compare numbers and place them in order, do you count the number of pieces to find out which number is greater or smaller? (No, the packs, flats, skinnies, and bits all have a different value. A pack is not the same as a flat—the pack has 1000 bits and the flat has 100.)

Have a student demonstrate how to place the three numbers on the display of the Open Number Lines Master.

  • What number is the smallest? (527)
  • Should we place that number on the left or the right on the number line? (left)
  • What number comes next? (1024)
  • What is the last number? (1216)
  • Should 1024 be closer to 1216 or 527? How do you know? (Possible response: It should be closer to 1216 because 527 is about 500 away from 1000 and 1216 is about 200 away from 1000.)

Assign the Compare and Order Numbers pages in the Student Activity Book. Upon completion, use a display of the page to ask students to explain how they determined the order of some of the numbers.

Assign the Numbers through One Thousand pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' understanding of place value to a thousand. Have base-ten pieces readily available.

Assign the Numbers through One Thousand pages with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to use and apply place value concepts to make connections among representations of multidigit numbers [E1]; compose and decompose numbers using ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands [E2]; show and recognize different partitions of multidigit numbers using different representations [E3]; and compare and order multidigit numbers [E4].

Showing base-ten hopper hops to 1111 two different ways
Representing 1111 with base-ten shorthand
Representing 1324 with base-ten shorthand
Representing and comparing 1282 to 1023
Representing and comparing 872 and 1216
Considering the Fewest Pieces Rule when using base-ten pieces to compare numbers