Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.
Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.
Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit.
- You and your students will need:
Triangle Flash Cards: Group F
(Teacher Guide)
Subtraction Facts I Knowchart from Unit 9
200 Chart (Student Activity Book) Reference
Addition Strategies Menu (Student Activity Book) Reference
Subtraction Strategies Menu for Larger Numbers (Student Activity Book) Reference
12-inch ruler
base-ten pieces
individual clocks
number lines
coin jars and coins from Unit 1 Lesson 1
a collection of coins
- You will also need:
demonstration clock
LESSON 1Place Value with Larger Numbers |
2 | Students make connections between different representations of numbers through one thousand. They apply their knowledge of place value concepts to represent and compare multidigit numbers. |
LESSON 2Estimating Sums |
2 | Students use their knowledge of place value to explore estimation of sums. They develop strategies for determining the reasonableness of a sum such as finding friendly numbers and adding hundreds. |
LESSON 3Adding Multidigit Numbers |
2–3 | Students make connections among representations and a variety of mental math and paper-and-pencil strategies as they solve multidigit addition problems with sums through one thousand. They practice estimating sums, and using expanded form, all-partials, and the compact method. |
LESSON 4Subtract with Mental Math |
2 | Students explore estimation of differences to one thousand. They develop strategies for solving multidigit subtraction problems and use estimation to check for reasonableness. |
LESSON 5Subtracting Multidigit Numbers |
3 | Students make connections among representations and a variety of mental math and paper-and-pencil strategies including expanded form and the compact method as they solve multidigit subtraction problems. They practice estimating differences and checking their subtraction calculations with addition. |
LESSON 6Workshop: Multidigit Addition and Subtraction |
2–3 |
Students play new versions of games introduced earlier
as they continue developing mental math and