Lesson 3

Adding Multidigit Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Making Connections between Strategies

Use Base-Ten Pieces. Distribute base-ten pieces to students. Display the problem 768 + 325. Use a display set of base-ten pieces to model the two numbers in the addition problem using flats, skinnies, and bits as students do the same.

  • How did you model 768? (7 flats, 6 skinnies, and 8 bits)
  • What is the value of the 7 in 768? (Possible responses: 700, 7 flats, 70 tens)
  • What is the value of the 6 in 768? (Possible responses: 60, 60 bits, 60 ones)
  • How did you model 325? (3 flats, 2 skinnies, and 5 bits)
  • Which of your pieces represent 20? How do you know? (the 2 skinnies; each skinny is a ten so 10, 20)
  • How did you represent 300? (3 flats)
  • Which strategies can you use to estimate the sum? (Possible response: I look at the base-ten pieces. Altogether, I have 10 flats and some skinnies and bits so I know the sum is going to be more than 1000.)
  • Which base-ten piece represents 1000? Show me. (a pack)
  • Is there another way to estimate the sum? Explain your strategy.

Remind students that in Lesson 2 they used some of the following strategies to estimate sums:

  • Adding tens and hundreds
  • Counting on by tens and hundreds
  • Using friendly numbers
  • Using dollars and coins
  • Thinking about base-ten pieces
  • Composing and decomposing numbers
  • Use your base-ten pieces to find the sum of 768 + 325. Remember the Fewest Pieces Rule. Can you make any trades? (Yes, I can trade 10 bits for 1 skinny. I can trade 10 flats for 1 pack.)
  • What is the sum? (1093) [See Figure 1.]
  • How does this compare with your estimates? Does this sum seem reasonable?
  • Why is there a zero in 1093? (0 hundreds; After I trade 10 flats for 1 pack, or 10 hundreds for 1 thousand, there are no hundreds.)
  • What does the 1 in 1093 represent? (one thousand)
  • Is solving 768 + 325 a little different or a lot different from solving problems like 48 + 55? What is different? What is the same? (Possible response: It is only a little different. The numbers I am adding are bigger. The sum is in the thousands. I have to make two trades. I can still use base-ten pieces to solve it.)
  • Could you still use the strategies on your Addition Strategies Menu to solve this problem? (yes)

Use a Variety of Strategies. Explain that students are going to solve the same problem in many different ways so that comparisons can be made. Display the Addition Strategies Menu from the Student Activity Book Reference section. Tell students to first estimate the sum of 416 + 795. Then ask student pairs to choose a way to solve the problem. Guide students toward picking a strategy they feel confident using. See Content Note.

  • Who can solve 416 + 795 using base-ten pieces or shorthand? a number line? a different mental math strategy? the all-partials method? expanded form? the compact method? another way?
  • Is using the 200 Chart to solve this problem helpful? Why or why not? (No, the numbers are too big.)

A Variety of Strategies. This lesson encourages the use of a variety of strategies. The end goal is not to guide all students toward using the compact method. The goal is to expose students to many different strategies so they can choose strategies that make sense to them and enable them to find a correct answer.

Give student pairs a piece of chart paper on which to display their solution strategies. Make sure all of the strategies are represented. After they solve the problem, ask students to display their solution strategies. See Figure 2.

  • How did [student names] show 400? 10? 6?
  • How did [student names] show 700? 90? 5?
  • How did [student names] show 416 in expanded form? (400 + 10 + 6)
  • On the number line? (4 hops of 100, 1 hop of 10, and 6 hops of 1)
  • Did [student names] make any trades with base ten pieces? (They traded 10 bits for 1 skinny and 10 flats for 1 pack.)
  • What does the pack represent? (1000)
  • [Student names] used the compact method. What do the little 1s above the columns mean? (The little 1s show the trades.)
  • How did [student names] show that they were adding the numbers together?
  • Did everyone get the same answer? (yes, 1211)
  • Look at the sum, 1211. What is the value of this 1 [thousands column]? (1000) The value of the 1 in this [tens] column? (10) (10) The 2? (200) This 1 [ones column]? (1)
  • Does 1000 + 200 + 10 + 1 = 1211? (yes)
  • Why does the digit 1 represent one thousand, ten, and one in 1211? (The value of the digit depends on where it is placed within the number.)
  • How do the answers compare to your estimate?
  • Does one way seem more efficient than another when you are adding larger numbers? Why? (Possible responses: I don't always have base-ten pieces, so that's not always an efficient strategy. The paper-and-pencil methods seem more efficient. The compact method takes less writing than expanded form and all-partials because some of the trading steps are kept "in my head" and not written down, but I have to be careful because I have to make trades in the middle instead of waiting until the end. It's not efficient if I get the wrong answer.)

Finish It. Assign the Finish It: Addition pages in the Student Activity Book. Students will practice using a variety of methods to solve 3-digit addition problems and make connections among the strategies.

  • How did you estimate the sum of 876 + 421? (Possible response: I thought about money. 876 is about $8.75 and 421 is about $4.25. I put 4 quarters together to make $1.00. I added $1.00 to $8.00 and $4.00 to get $13.00, so I estimated the sum to be about 1300.)
  • Model the problem with base-ten pieces and solve it. (1297) [See Figure 3.]
  • How does this answer compare to your estimate? Is your answer reasonable?
  • What is 7 tens plus 2 tens? (9 tens)
  • How many hundreds did you add together? (8 hundreds plus 4 hundreds)
  • How many flats make one pack? (10 flats)
  • How many hundreds are in one thousand? (10 hundreds)
  • Did you make any trades? (Yes. I had 12 flats so I traded 10 flats for 1 pack and had 2 flats left over.)
  • Look at the number 1297. Which base-ten pieces represent the 2? (2 flats) How many hundreds is that? (2 hundreds)
  • Which base-ten pieces represent the 9? (9 skinnies) How many tens is that? (9 tens) What is another way of saying 9 tens? (90)
  • Which base-ten pieces represent the 7? (7 bits) The 1? (1 pack)
  • How many bits are in one pack? (1000)

Use Check-In: Questions 2–6 and the Feedback Box on the Finish It: Addition pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to use and apply place value concepts to make connections among representations of multidigit numbers [E1]; add multidigit numbers using mental math strategies [E6]; add multidigit numbers using paper-and-pencil methods [E7]; check for reasonableness [MPE3]; and check calculations [MPE4].

Using base-ten pieces to solve 768 + 325
A variety of ways to solve 416 + 795
Using base-ten pieces to solve 876 + 421
Modeling three-fourths of a whole
Showing four unequal parts that are not fair shares or fourths
Different ways to partition a square (sandwich) into fourths
Recognizing that the same fractional parts of different-size unit wholes are not equal