Lesson 1

T-Shirt Factory Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Apply Multiplication Strategies. Check-In: Question 8 provides an opportunity for students to apply the strategies they have used to find the total number of letters needed to make T-shirts for the whole class. In Check-In: Question 8B, students will explain their problem solving. Before students begin to work, use a display of the Math Practices page in the Student Guide Reference section to discuss expectations for solving this problem.

  • Before you can solve a problem, it is important to read it carefully. Look at Check-In: Question 8 in your Student Guide. Read both parts of the question carefully. What problem is it asking you solve? (We need to find out how many letters it will take to make T-shirts for the whole class.)
  • What can you use to help you solve this problem? (We can use the graph in our book.)
  • What do you need to include in your explanation so others will understand your thinking and how you found your answer? (We need to tell how we used the graph to find our answer. We also need to show how we found the answer. We can use number sentences or a table to help us.)
  • How can you check your answer to make sure it is accurate? (We can use another way to find our answer. If the answers don't match, then we need to do the problem again.)

After students have finished their work on Check-In: Question 8, but before handing it in, ask them to revise their solution and explanation using the Math Practices page as a guide.
