Lesson 6

Workshop: Multiplication and Division Stories

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

When students are close to completing Questions 5–16, assign each group a different problem to share with the class. Choose from Questions 5–7, 9–11, and 13–16. These problems offer opportunities to discuss and show multiplication and division problems. Give each small group of students a sheet of chart paper to display their solution so the entire class can see it.

Display Question 12 from the Student Guide. As a class, discuss Shannon's solution and possible revisions to Shannon's solution. These questions and this discussion will model the kinds of questions students can ask as they are reviewing their own work or another student's work.

  • Do Shannon's number sentences match the problem? (Possible response: Yes and no. The first part of her number sentence is correct; 4 × 24 and the repeated addition sentence shows that there are 24 groups of 4. She solved the problem incorrectly. So, 92 is not equal to 4 × 24. 4 × 24 = 96.)
  • Do you agree with Shannon's solution? Why or why not? (Possible response: Yes and no. How she thought about the problem matches the problem, but she must have made a calculation error.)
  • Does Shannon's solution show how she solved the problem? (Possible response: Maybe. I am not sure if she skip counted or used the calculator to add 24 fours or solve 4 × 24. If I knew what strategy she used to solve the problem, I might be able to figure out how she got 92 rather than 96.)
  • What would you tell Shannon to add to her solution to make it clearer? (Possible response: Show how she got 92 and add some labels to her numbers so we know what these numbers mean.)

Put small groups of students together to review each other's work using these questions as a guide. Students should then revise their work based on these discussions. As students complete their work, ask them to display it. Choose one or two problems to review with the class using these same questions.
