Find a place to display a large monthly calendar for students to see and write on. Starting in Lesson 5, students will record their thinking on this calendar as they explore patterns in factors and multiples. This will become a daily routine throughout the school year.

Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.

Attach a desk number line (0–100) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.

Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.

Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:

  • connecting cubes or counters
  • number lines
  • calculators
  • a clock with a second hand or a stop watch
  • Subtraction Flash Cards for Groups 3 and 4 (stored in an envelope)
  • Subtraction Facts I Know chart (from Unit 2)



T-Shirt Factory Problems

1 Using the First Names investigation in Unit 1 as a context, students invent, share, and compare strategies used to solve problems involving multiplication.
  • connecting cubes or other counters
  • calculators


In Twos, Threes, and More

3 Students make lists of things that come in twos, threes, fours, etc., up to twelves. For example, eyes and bicycle wheels come in twos. Using this list, students write multiplication problems. They then use various strategies to solve and express their solutions.
  • chart paper
  • tape
  • large index cards or blank copy paper


Multiplication Stories

2 Students continue to explore multiplication by drawing pictures and by writing stories and number sentences to illustrate multiplication problems such as 7 × 8, 4 × 20, and 4 × 1/2.
  • connecting cubes or other counters


Making Teams

1 Students consider the problem of dividing the class into teams of equal sizes. For each team size, they find the number of teams they can form and the number of students left over. To help solve this problem, students group counters into sets of equal sizes (with remainders). Students then look for patterns in the grouping to identify factors of a number.
  • connecting cubes or other counters


Multiples on the Calendar

1 This lesson is the start of an ongoing activity in which students use the calendar to practice multiplication. Each month the class will focus on a different factor. As part of a daily routine, students will decide if that day's date is a multiple of that month's factor. Students will represent the date as a number sentence using that focus factor and drawings.
  • large monthly calendar


Workshop: Multiplication and Division Stories

1 Students practice solving and representing multiplication and division stories with drawings and number sentences.
  • calculators
  • connecting cubes or other counters
  • chart paper