Using Coordinates
Est. Class Sessions: 1–2Summarizing the Lesson
Direct students to the Find the Panda pages in the Student Activity Book. In this game students will practice using coordinates and writing ordered pairs. The vignette establishes the context for this game. After reading the directions, use the example game and Questions 1–3 to make sure students understand how to play the game.
Question 1 asks students to decide if Julia's second guess is a good guess. Some students may not agree that it was a good guess because Julia only followed one of Chris's hints by just moving left, when she guessed (3,8). Other students may think her guess was good because now she knows the coordinate for the x-axis and only has to guess the coordinate for the y-axis.
Have students play the game with a partner.
After students have had an opportunity to play the game, ask:
There are two sets of game boards in the Student Activity Book so that students can take one set of boards home to play the game with a family member. There is also a master for each game board in the Teacher Guide. Copies can be made of these game boards and placed in a center for students to use at another time.