Lesson 2

Using Maps

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2. Captain Jack's Island

Captain Jack's Island pages in the Student Activity Book provide more practice using scale maps and coordinates. Students can work in pairs to complete the questions. Students use coordinates to describe locations on the map for Questions 1–4. They can either give the location in words (e.g., 3 right, 7 front for the house) or as an ordered pair (3, 7).

For Questions 5–7, students use a ruler to find distances on the map, and the scale to find distances on the island. Be sure they understand that they should measure distances between the labeled points on the graph.

  • When you measure to find distances on the map, what units do you use? (cm)
  • When you report distances on the island, what units do you use? How do you know? (Meters; the scale shows that one cm on the map is 10 meters on the island.)
  • For Question 7, show me how you found the distance between the cave and the palm tree on the map.

    Note whether students know how to place the ruler to measure in centimeters. The distance on the map is 17 cm.

  • How did you find out how far it is on the island from the cave to the palm tree? (Possible responses: Each centimeter on the map is 10 meters on the island. So I skip counted by 10s for each centimeter on the ruler [10, 20, 30, … 170 meters]. Or, I multiplied 17 × 10 = 170 meters using the pattern we learned for multiplying by tens.)

When students have completed the pages, ask them to share their strategies for finding the distances on the island.
