Distribute the Tiffany's Investigation Assessment Master. Students will use patterns in a data table and graph to solve and check problems. Read Question 1 to set the context of the assessment. Tiffany did an investigation like Mass vs. Number with pieces of chalk. Ask students to skim through the assessment pages.
Display and direct students' attention to Questions 6 and 7 and read them aloud. Question 6 is a multistep problem that challenges students to make a prediction about a data point that does not lie on the graph. They are to check their solution using a different strategy and explain both strategies. In Question 7, Tiffany masses larger pieces of sidewalk chalk. Students find a strategy to determine whether her measurement is reasonable and justify their answers by showing work and using labels.
Display and refer students to the Math Practices page from the Student Guide Reference section. This assessment focuses on four of the Math Practices: MPE2, 3, 5, and 6.
- What tools or strategies might you use to solve the problems? (Possible responses: I could look for patterns in the data. I could use multiplication or addition. If I use a graph, use a ruler to make a best-fit line.)
- For Question 6, how can you check your solution to see if it is reasonable? (I will show or tell how I checked my work by solving the problem 2 ways. If my answers don't match, I will try again.)
- For Question 7, how can you check the reasonableness of Tiffany's measurement? (I will solve the problem my own way to see if her measurement makes sense.)
- How will you show your work? (I will show all my steps so that someone else can understand my thinking. I will show dotted lines on the graph. I will explain how I used patterns in the data table. I can write number sentences. I will use labels.)
- What are some important labels to include? (pieces of chalk, grams)
Assign the Tiffany's Investigation Assessment Master. Students will need a copy of the Centimeter Graph Paper Master and a ruler to complete the assessment. Have extra copies of Centimeter Graph Paper available for students who choose to use it to solve Question 7.
Use the Tiffany's Investigation Assessment Master and the Feedback Box to assess students' progress toward the following Content and Math Practices Expectations:
- Identify and extend multiplicative patterns represented in a table or graph [E1].
- Solve multiplication and division problems involving mass [E3].
- Make a point graph using ordered pairs and draw a best-fit line [E9].
- Read a table or point graph to find information about a data set [E10].
- Make predictions about a data set using a data table or point graph with a best-fit line [E11].
- Find a strategy [MPE2].
- Check for reasonableness [MPE3].
- Show my work [MPE5].
- Use labels [MPE6].
Use the practice menu on the Professor Peabody's Quarters pages in the Student Activity Book to provide targeted practice with using graphs and tables to solve problems involving multiplication and division.