Mass vs. Number
Est. Class Sessions: 3–4Homework and Practice
- Assign the Homework section on the Mass vs. Number pages in the Student Guide.
- Assign Home Practice Parts 4–5. Part 4 provides practice with solving word problems involving multidigit addition and subtraction. In Part 5 students solve problems involving mass and represent these solutions using number sentences.
- Assign DPP items M–R. Bit M provides a review of right angles. Task N provides practice with representing constant hops on a number line. Bit O revisits the daily calendar routine looking for patterns in factors and multiples. In Task p students draw shapes with curvy and straight sides with a given area. In Task R students review finding the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.
Math Facts. Bit Q provides a review of the last six multiplication facts.
Remind students to take home Triangle Flash Cards: Last Six Facts and the list of facts they need to study, so they can prepare for the assessment of the last six facts in DPP Bit S and Task V.