Lesson 6

More Patterns in Data

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Mathematical Standards

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. (3.OA.A.3)
Solve problems involving measurement and estimation. (3.MD.A.2)
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. (3.OA.D.9)
Represent and interpret data. (3.MD.B.4)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make sense of structure.

This lesson is a series of word problems that builds on the concepts introduced in this unit. Students solve problems about mass using data tables, graphs, and multiplication.

Content in this Lesson

  • Identifying and extending multiplicative patterns represented in a table or graph [E1].
  • Solving multiplication problems involving mass [E3].
  • Making and interpreting point graphs [E9, E10].
  • Drawing best-fit lines [E9].
  • Using patterns in data tables and graphs to make predictions and solve problems [E11].
  • Measuring mass in grams [E6].
  • Connecting mathematics to real-life situations.
  • Solving problems and communicating solution strategies [MPE1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students


Supplies for Student Groups

two-pan balance
set of standard masses (ten 1-gram masses, ten 5-gram, five 10-gram masses, and two 20-gram masses)
objects to mass (See Materials Preparation)

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Math Practices (Student Guide) Reference
Display of Tiffany's Investigation (Teacher Guide)
Display of Centimeter Graph Paper (Teacher Guide)
Unit 12 Assessment Record
Math Facts Class Record
Unit 12 Individual Assessment Record

Materials Preparation

Copy Centimeter Graph Paper. Each student will need at least two copies of the Centimeter Graph Paper Master. Prepare several copies per student so that you have extras on hand.

Gather Objects to Mass. Students will mass a 12-inch ruler, calculator, wooden meterstick, and 2 small paper clips. Gather several of each of these items. Students can take turns massing them.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed Math Practices Expectation Assessed

Professor Peabody's Quarters
Student Activity Book
Page 505

Identify and extend multiplicative patterns represented in a table or graph.
Read a table or point graph to find information about a data set.
Make predictions about a data set using a data table or point graph with a best-fit line.

Tiffany's Investigation
with Feedback Box
Teacher Guide - digital

Identify and extend multiplicative patterns represented in a table or graph.
Solve multiplication and division problems involving measurement (e.g., mass and length).
Make a point graph using ordered pairs and draw a best-fit line.
Read a table or point graph to find information about a data set.
Make predictions about a data set using a data table or point graph with a best-fit line.
Find a strategy. I choose good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem.
Check for reasonableness. I look back at my solution to see if my answer makes sense. If it does not, I try again.
Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking.
Use labels. I use labels to show what numbers mean.

DPP Item S
Fact Family Quiz: Last Six Facts
Teacher Guide - digital

Determine the unknown number in a multiplication or division sentence relating three whole numbers for the last six facts (4 × 6, 4 × 7, 4 × 8, 6 × 7, 6 × 8, 7 × 8).

DPP Item V
Multiplication Quiz: The Last Six Facts
Teacher Guide - digital

Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication facts for the last six facts (4 × 6, 4 × 7, 4 × 8, 6 × 7, 6 × 8, 7 × 8).

Vocabulary in this Lesson