Lesson 1

Show Big Numbers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Answers will vary.

  1. centimeters, inches
  2. feet, meters, centimeters, inches, yards
  3. For some students who live across the street or around the corner, they might say feet or yards. Others who take the bus to school might say miles or kilometers.
  4. feet and inches, centimeters

C. Choosing Units of Measure

The following are some units of measure for length: meters, centimeters, feet, inches, yards, kilometers, and miles.

Which unit of measure does it make sense to use when you measure: (HINT: More than one answer can be correct.)

  1. the length of a book?
  2. the distance from your classroom door to your teacher's desk?
  3. the distance from your home to school?
  4. a person's height?