Lesson 3

How Much Area

Est. Class Sessions: 1


Ask students to identify which shapes on the Tiles 1 pages and the Tiles 2 pages are symmetrical. For the symmetrical figures, have students show the line of symmetry. Some figures will have more than one line of symmetry. For example the shape in Question 1 on the Tiles 1 pages has two lines of symmetry, one that divides the shape horizontally and one that divides the shape vertically. You can demonstrate this on the display or by cutting out the shape and folding it horizontally and vertically. The shapes in Questions 3 and 8 on the Tiles 1 pages also have two lines of symmetry. Have students discuss why the shapes in Questions 2, 4, 5, and 7 on the Tiles 1 pages are not symmetrical. Students may say that if they try to fold them in half, the sides do not match.

You can make this a center activity by placing scissors, square-inch tiles, and copies of the pages in the center. Ask students to show the lines of symmetry of the symmetrical shapes by folding the shapes in half.