Students describe another measureable attribute, area. Students first measure and estimate the area of clouds with pennies. They then find the area of rectangles and decide whether different shapes can have the same area in the “Goldilocks and the Three Rectangles” story. Students then try to discover more efficient counting strategies to find the area of other shapes. In the last lesson, students compare and order quantities and use symbols to show those comparisons.

Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Compare and order quantities (e.g., lengths, areas).
E2 Use symbols (e.g., < , >, =) to show comparisons of quantities.
E3 Represent partitions of quantities using number sentences and area models.
E4* Recognize that different shapes can have the same area.
E5 Measure length in inches.
E6* Find the area of a shape by counting square units and nonstandard units using efficient counting strategies.
E7* Use mental math strategies to add (direct modeling, counting strategies, reasoning from known facts) for the facts in Group D with sums to ten.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation