Lesson 5


Est. Class Sessions: 1

Mathematical Standards

Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. (1.MD.A.1)
Understand place value. (1.NBT.B.3)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Reason quantitatively.
Use appropriate tools strategically.

Students continue to compare quantities, such as length and area, and are introduced to the symbols representing “greater than,” “less than,” and “equal to.”

Content in this Lesson

  • Comparing and ordering quantities (e.g., lengths and areas) [E1].
  • Using symbols to represent “greater than,” “less than,” or “equal to” [E2].

Daily Practice and Problems I–J

I. Math Facts: Group D

J. Piggy Banks


Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Student Pairs

20-link chain in two colors. See Materials Preparation.

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Compare Numbers Master (Teacher Guide)
Display of Math Practices (Student Activity Book) Reference
Unit 8 Assessment Record
Unit 8 Individual Assessment Record
Math Facts Class Record
45-link chain of connecting links from Unit 7
chart paper, optional

Materials Preparation

Make a Comparison Symbol Chart. Make and display the following chart where all students can see it. See Figure 1. Save this chart to use again in other units.

Figure 1: Comparison Symbol Chart

Make 20-Link Chains. Prepare one 20-link chain for each student pair. The first ten links should be in one color and the next 10 links in another color.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed
Use Symbols
Student Activity Book
Pages 219–220
Compare and order quantities (e.g., lengths, areas).
Use symbols (e.g., < , >, =) to show comparisons of quantities.
DPP Item I
Math Facts: Group D
Teacher Guide - digital
Use mental math strategies to add (e.g., direct modeling, counting strategies, reasoning from known facts) for the facts in Group D with sums to ten.

Vocabulary in this Lesson