Lesson 1

Find Area with Pennies

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Developing the Lesson

Identify Properties to Measure. Display the first Clouds page from the Student Activity Book and begin a discussion about the two white clouds.

  • Which cloud looks larger to you?
  • Why did you pick that one?

Some students may interpret “larger” to mean “taller” while others may think “wider.” Point out to students that larger can have several different meanings. A third way to compare the size of two shapes is to see which one covers more space. Ask for suggestions on how to find which cloud covers more. Have students look at the Clouds page.

  • Which cloud is tallest?
  • Which cloud is widest?
  • Which covers the most space?

Students should be able to answer the first two questions just by looking at the pictures. The third question is trickier. Some students may suggest comparing how much space the clouds cover by placing one on top of the other. Demonstrate this approach using the three cutout clouds and placing one on top of the other. See Materials Preparation. The thunder cloud is clearly smallest, since it actually fits inside each of the other clouds. The two larger clouds can cover up the thunder cloud. It is difficult, however, to compare the two larger clouds since neither one fits on top of the other. Using this method, it is difficult to tell which cloud is larger.

Measure Area with Pennies. Encourage students to think of another way to find out which cloud is larger. Based on their experiences with measurement, some students may suggest covering the clouds with some unit. Suggest using a penny as a unit of measurement. Pennies have one desired property of a measurement unit—a uniform size and shape. Guide students to the idea of covering the clouds with pennies and counting how many fit inside each one. Students also may use pennies to compare how tall and wide the clouds are, but keep the activity focused on comparing the amount of space in each cloud.

Have students estimate the areas of the clouds by covering them with pennies. The cloud with the sun has an area of about 16 pennies. The thunder cloud has an area of about four pennies. The third cloud has an area of about 14 pennies.

Area. At this grade level, students will describe area in many different ways. It can be:

  • how much the shape covers
  • the amount of space covered by the shape
  • the amount we need to cover the shape
  • the area covered by the shape

One cannot expect a precise definition of area from
first-graders. Rather, we focus on helping students develop a conceptual understanding of area.

When students find how many pennies fit in each whole cloud, explain that they have found an estimate of each cloud's area. Explain that the area is the entire space inside the cloud. The students have estimated the area by covering the cloud with identical objects (pennies.)

  • Which cloud did we find is larger by measuring the area with pennies? (The cloud with the sun. It was covered with 16 pennies and the others with four and 14 pennies.)
  • Did the pennies cover the entire cloud? (no)
  • How much is not covered? (Responses will vary.)
  • How can you include the space not covered in your measurement? (The area of the cloud is about 16–18 pennies.)

Estimate Quantities with Benchmarks. At this point, spend a moment discussing what the word estimate means. Write the word on the board.

  • Have you ever made an estimate? What did you do? (Possible response: In Kindergarten, we guessed the number of things in a jar. The teacher showed us a jar with ten things, then we used that to say about how many there were in another jar.)
  • Did you have to find the exact number to have a good estimate? (No, we just had to say a number that was close. Sometimes we said between 10 and 20.)

From such a discussion, point out that when we estimate, we use what we know to make a smart guess about the number of objects or the size of something.

Estimation. Students have previously encountered estimation in the context of predicting the number of given objects. Students have also predicted whether an answer to an addition problem is reasonable or not. In this lesson, students are introduced to estimating measurement. This type of estimation assumes a familiarity with the measuring unit and an ability to compare the item to be measured with another item whose measurement is already known. That is, it depends on being able to relate prior experiences to the object to be measured.

Explain to students that one way to use what we know to make a smart guess is to use benchmarks, such as 5 or ten, with which they are familiar. To facilitate using benchmarks, place 5 (or 10) pennies, beans, cubes or some small counters on a display and ask students to count them. Then place a larger number of the same object on the display in an arrangement that will make it hard for the students to count the objects exactly. Tell students to use the 5 (or 10) pennies as a benchmark and use them to make a good guess of the number of objects on the display. Hide the display. Write the numbers they guess under a display of the word estimate and explain to the students that their guesses are estimates.

  • How did you decide what number you would guess? (Possible response: I looked and guessed from looking at the five pennies you showed us first.)
  • Did you count the pennies? (Possible response: No. It was too hard to count them all.)
  • Is your number the exact number on the display? (Possible response: Maybe, but probably not.)

Count out the exact number and compare it to the numbers the students guessed. Explain to the students the difference between guessing (estimating) and finding the actual number. Also mention that there are good guesses and bad guesses, good estimates and bad estimates. Give some examples of good guesses and bad guesses in the context of your demonstration with the pennies. For example, if you placed 20 pennies on the display, a good guess would be somewhere between 15 and 25. A bad guess could be 3, since it is clearly less than the benchmark number 5 (or 10). Another bad guess would be 100, since that would be an unreasonably large guess.

Practice using 5 (or 10) as a benchmark for estimating quantities by repeating the activity once or twice. Guide students in estimating the quantity first then counting to find the exact number. Discuss which estimates students think were good or bad and their reasons for their responses.

Estimate the Area with Pennies. Have students look at Clouds A and B on the second Clouds page. Before they measure the area using the pennies, ask them to think about the benchmark of 5 (or 10) pennies to estimate how many pennies they think will be needed to cover each cloud. Have them write their guesses on the spaces provided for each.

  • How did you decide which number to choose for your good guess? (Possible response: I thought of the 10 pennies and it looked twice as big so I guessed 20 pennies. Cloud B looked like half of Cloud A with a little more so I guessed 11 pennies.)
  • Did your work measuring the first page of clouds help you? How? (Possible response: Cloud A looks a little bigger than the 16-penny one we did together so I added a few more and said 21 pennies.)

Then have the students find the area of each of the two clouds using the penny measure and write their measurement on the line provided for each. Tell students to compare their measurement with their estimates.

Observe students as they complete the Clouds page in the Student Activity Book to assess their ability to estimate area by covering shapes with nonstandard units [E6].

To provide targeted practice with measuring area with nonstandard units, place pennies and drawing paper in a center and ask students to make and trace a shape made with pennies and to count to find the area.

When students finish the Clouds page, have them share their results. Conduct a discussion of the activity as a whole. Focus on identifying strategies for making an estimate (a good guess) and on the difficulty of using the penny as a unit to measure area. See the Sample Dialog.

This Sample Dialog focuses on helping students identify strategies for making good estimates and the difficulties of using a penny as a unit to measure the area of the cloud pictures.

Teacher: Shannon, how did your answer for Cloud A compare to your estimate, your good guess?

Shannon: Not very good. I guessed 17 pennies and then when I put the pennies on, it was 19. So I was wrong.

Teacher: That's not being wrong, Shannon. Remember, an estimate is a good guess that you make to understand if your exact answer is reasonable or when you cannot possibly count everything. Tell me how you decided on 17 pennies for your guess.

Shannon: Well, I looked at it and then I looked at the biggest cloud on our first page. They were kind of alike except it seemed like the new cloud was maybe a little bit bigger. It seemed like it was fatter. So I made my guess a little bit bigger.

Teacher: Shannon, I think that was a very good strategy for making your estimate. I think it was good reasoning.

Romesh: That's what I did, too. I looked at all the clouds. But I guessed 18 pennies because it just looked bigger to me.

Teacher: Good, those were both good guesses. Can someone give me an example of a guess that would be a bad guess?

Tanya: Two pennies.

Teacher: Tanya, why do you say two pennies would be a bad guess for Cloud A?

Tanya: Because Cloud A is really close to the sun cloud, but it's a little bigger. But two pennies is not bigger. It's a lot smaller.

Teacher: Good explanation, Tanya. If Cloud A is a little bigger than the sun cloud, then it should take a few more pennies. What do you think about our strategy of using pennies to figure out the area of the cloud, to figure out how much space is inside a cloud? Is it a good strategy?

Frank: I think it's good. I like using pennies. It's money.

Lee Yah: It was hard because the pennies kept pushing other pennies out. They didn't fit together.

Jacob: I had the same thing. My pennies didn't cover the cloud and when I tried to make them, then other pennies got pushed out.

Grace: Me, too. I don't think pennies are good because there's lots of the cloud that doesn't get covered.

Teacher: Those are all good points. Maybe pennies aren't the best way to measure area because they are round and leave space in between. In the next lesson, we'll measure area in a way that doesn't leave spaces. That way, we'll be able to get a better measurement.
