Lesson 6

Rolling Along in Centimeters

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes
  1. Estimates will vary between 9 cm − 11 cm; 10 cm
  2. Estimates will vary between 5 cm − 7 cm; 6 cm
  3. Estimates will vary between 13 cm − 15 cm; 14 cm

Q. Measure in Centimeters

Estimate the length of each line in centimeters. Use a centimeter ruler to estimate and then measure the length of each line. Measure to the nearest whole unit. Remember to label the units.

  1. image

    Estimated Length _________________ Measured Length _________________
  2. image

    Estimated Length _________________ Measured Length _________________
  3. image

    Estimated Length _________________ Measured Length _________________