Lesson 2

Using Maps

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. 4
  2. 2
    1. 2;
    2. Possible response: If Chris has the same number of marbles as Carla, he has 8 marbles. When I divide 8 marbles into four equal groups there are 2 marbles in each group, so 1/4 of 8 marbles is 2 marbles.

F. Marbles

Carla has a collection of marbles.

  1. Color 1/2 of Carla's marbles red. How many did you color? __________
  2. Carla wants to trade half of the white marbles for speckled marbles.
    How many will she trade? __________
    1. Chris has the same number of marbles in his collection as Carla. His are all blue. He gave Carla 1/4 of his marbles. How many blue marbles did Chris give Carla? __________
    2. Show or tell how you know.