Lesson 1

Investigating Perimeter and Area

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the Homework section of the Measuring Area and Perimeter pages in the Student Activity Book.
  • Assign Parts 1 and 2 of the Home Practice. Part 2 provides practice with reading and using data in a bar graph.

Use Home Practice Part 2 to determine whether students are able to read a bar graph and answer questions about a data set [E2].

  • Assign DPP items A–D. Bit A involves elapsed time. Use it to determine how well your students tell time to the minute. Bit C involves estimating linear measurement in both inches and centimeters.
  • DPP Task B asks students to tell which of three squares are Magic Squares and provides a lead-in to the Problem of the Week, DPP Task D.

Math Facts. Home Practice Part 1 provides practice with adding and subtracting multiples of ten and the subtraction facts.

Unit Master