Lesson 2

Perimeter vs. Length Lab

Est. Class Sessions: 4

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the questions in the Homework section of the Student Guide. Students can complete Questions 1–4 in the Bedroom Perimeter section at any time during the laboratory investigation. Encourage students to draw a sketch of the room where they sleep and record the dimensions for the length of each wall. Questions 5–11 in the Runways section should be assigned after students have completed the lab.

Use Check-In: Questions 5–11 in the Homework section of the Student Guide to assess students' abilities to translate between point graphs, tables, and situations [E3] and use geometric relationships [E4].

The Lesson 3 Workshop provides targeted practice.

  • Assign Parts 3 and 4 of the Home Practice at any time during this lesson. Both parts provide practice with finding area and perimeter of polygons.

Use Home Practice Part 3 to assess students' abilities to make shapes with a given perimeter [E5]; find the perimeter of an irregular shape [E6]; and find the area of an irregular shape [E7].

The Lesson 3 Workshop provides targeted practice.

  • Assign DPP items E–L. In DPP Bit G students decide if measurements “could be” or are “crazy.” In items I and J, students practice finding area and perimeter. Task L asks students to use paper and pencil or mental math strategies to solve addition.

Math Facts. Use DPP items E, F, H, and K to practice and assess subtraction strategies.
