Lesson 4

Helipads for Antopolis

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • Assign Parts 7 and 8 of the Home Practice in the Student Activity Book. Part 7 provides practice with making and analyzing point graphs. Part 8 is a collection of word problems involving addition and subtraction.
  • Assign DPP items Q–T. Task R provides practice making a point graph by plotting ordered pairs.
  • Challenge T is a Problem of the Week. It presents an extended context-based problem involving area and perimeter.

Math Facts. DPP items Q and S are diagnostic Subtraction Facts Quizzes. The facts in Bit Q can be solved with the using-tens strategy. The facts in Bit S can be solved with the using-doubles strategy or with other strategies such as making tens.

Use Home Practice Part 7 to determine whether students are able to make point graphs, read a table or graph and answer questions about a data set, and translate real-world situations with tables and graphs [E1, E2, E3].
