Lesson 1

Investigating Perimeter and Area

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Mathematics Standards

Solve problems involving measurements and conversion of measurements.(4.MD.A.3)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Look for and make use of structure.

Students use string to measure perimeter providing a concrete review of the idea that perimeter is a measurement of length. They then use square-inch tiles to find the perimeter and area of irregular polygons. Students communicate the process they used to solve a problem finding perimeter and area.

Content in this Lesson

  • Finding perimeters of irregular polygons [E6].
  • Finding areas of irregular polygons [E7].
  • Making shapes with given perimeters or areas [E5].
  • Communicating strategies and solutions in problem solving [MPE5].

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide    
Student Activity Book  

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Student Pairs

a piece of string approximately 39 inches long

Supplies for Students

square-inch grid paper
10 square-inch tiles

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Two-Column Data Table (Teacher Guide)
Display of Square-Inch Grid Paper (Teacher Guide)
Display of Math Practices page (Student Guide) Reference
Unit 2 Assessment Record
square-inch tiles for display
chart paper, optional

Materials Preparation

String. Prepare a piece of string for each pair of students. The string should be approximately 39 inches long and should not be stretchy. Look for nylon or tightly-wound cord or string. Yarn or cotton string are not recommended.

Rulers. Copy and cut out rulers using the Centimeter and Inch Ruler Master if needed for DPP item C.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed
Investigating Perimeter and Area
Check-In: Questions 5–6
Student Guide Page 53
Make shapes (polygons) with given measurements (width, perimeter, or area).
Measuring Area and Perimeter
Check-In: Questions 5–8 with Feedback Box
Student Activity Book Pages 14–15
Make shapes (polygons) with given measurements (width, perimeter, or area).
Find the perimeter of rectangles and irregular shapes by counting units and adding.
Find the area of rectangles and irregular shapes by counting, adding, or multiplying.
Home Practice Part 2
Teacher Guide - digital
Read a table or graph to find information about a data set.

Vocabulary in this Lesson