Lesson 3

Workshop: Area and Perimeter

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Before the Lesson

Review student work and progress from previous lessons to guide instructional decisions about the following Expectations:

E4. Recognize and generalize geometric relationships in problems involving the area and perimeter of rectangles.
E6. Find the perimeter of rectangles and irregular shapes by counting units and adding.
E7. Find the area of rectangles and irregular shapes by counting, adding, or multiplying.

Students will choose problems based on a self-assessment of their progress with these Expectations. Use your own evaluation of students' progress to help guide their choices. See the Key Assessment Opportunities Chart for a list of assessments that evaluate progress toward the Expectations.

Review the Area and Perimeter Workshop Menu in Figure 1 and in the Student Activity Book to orient yourself to the workshop organization.

A strategy for developing shared accountability among all the members of a small group is to ask one of the group members to explain how the group solved the problem. This student may be (but does not always have to be) a student who is having difficulty with the concept involved. Other students in the group may want to jump in and take over the explanation. Discourage this from happening. If the student you select cannot explain the group's reasoning, give the group a few minutes before returning to ask the same student to explain the solution. This method encourages all members of the group to take responsibility for each student's learning.