Lesson 1

Estimation Strategies

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Computational Estimation

Introduce Friendly Numbers. Estimation is very helpful in determining if a solution to a problem is reasonable. Using estimation to find the results of an operation is called computational estimation. Computational estimation usually involves two steps: finding convenient or friendly numbers that make the problem easier and performing the operation on those friendly numbers to find an estimate of the answer.

To introduce the idea of a friendly number, suggest that students think of the number 32. Display and direct students to the 200 Chart in the Student Activity Book Reference section. Tell students that some mathematicians call some numbers “friendly” numbers because they are easier to work with.

  • What are the closest tens to 32 on your 200 Chart? (30 and 40)
  • Why do you think we would call 30 a friendly number and not 32? (tens are easier to add)
  • Why might 30 be easier to work with than 32? (You don’t have to think about the ones.)
  • Think about the number 78. What might be friendly numbers for 78? How did you decide? (Possible responses: 70 or 80 because they are the closest tens on the 200 Chart.)
  • Do friendly numbers always have to end in zero? Think about money. Why might 75 be a friendly number for 78? (Possible response: Friendly numbers often end in zero, but 3 quarters is 75 cents and that is close to 78.)

Use Friendly Numbers to Estimate Sums. Display the Price Cards page from the Student Activity Book. Use the price cards to introduce estimating sums. Have a student volunteer choose two price cards and cross them out on the display.

  • Pretend you have $1.00. The prices on the cards are the cost of the items you want to buy. Without finding the exact sum, use friendly numbers and estimate to see if you have enough money to buy one or both of the items.

Work through an example by asking the following questions. The answers given are for a 56¢ and a 29¢ card.

  • Find these prices on the 200 Chart. Between what intervals are the price cards? (56 is between 50 and 60, and 29 is between 20 and 30.)
  • [For each number] Is the number closer to the larger end or the smaller end of the row? (They both are closer to larger end. 56 is 4 numbers away from 60 and 29 is only one number away from 30.)
  • What friendly numbers could you choose for the estimate? What are the closest tens? (Possible response: I would pick 60 and 30, so that’s 90 when I add them.)
  • Do you think your estimate is higher or lower than the actual sum? Why? (Possible response: 90 is higher than the actual sum because I made both numbers bigger to get 90.)
  • Do you think you have enough money to buy one or both of the items? (both)
  • Who can use a calculator to find the sum? (85¢)
  • When you compare it to the estimate is the sum reasonable? (Yes, I estimated 90 and 85 is close. I thought my estimate might be a little high.)

The Sample Dialog describes a student estimating the sum of

22¢ and 19¢.

Emily: I picked 22¢ and 19¢. If I just look at the tens, 2 tens plus 1 ten is 3 tens or 30, so it has to be more than 30.

Teacher: That’s right. What intervals are your two price cards in?

Emily: 22 is in the third row of the 200 Chart and 19 is in the second row of the chart.

Teacher: Is 22 closer to the larger or the smaller end of the row?

Emily: Smaller.

Teacher: How about 19?

Emily: Larger.

Teacher: What friendly number could you choose for 22?

Emily: Maybe 20?

Teacher: Yes. How about 19?

Emily: 20 again?

Teacher: Yes! Now can you estimate how much you would spend if you bought both items?

Emily: 20¢ + 20¢ = 40¢.

Teacher: What interval is 40 in on the 200 Chart?

Emily: It’s in the fourth row with 31–40.

Teacher: So what would you say about your estimate? Do you think it will be more than 40, less than 40, or about 40?

Emily: 40 seems about right because I went down a little for 22 and up a little for 19.

Teacher: Do you estimate that you have enough for both items?

Emily: Yes.

Teacher: Jamal, can you find the sum of 22 and 19 on the calculator?

Jamal: It’s 41.

Teacher: Emily, you estimated about 40 for the answer. Would you say that Jamal’s answer is a “could be&rdquoj; or a “crazy” answer?

Emily: Definitely a could be. It’s reasonable.

Teacher: What if Jamal hit an extra key on the calculator and said the answer was 240?

Emily: I’d say that was a crazy answer because it is way bigger than 40.

Teacher: What if he said 48?

Emily: That is not too far off. It is in the right interval, but I estimated it should be closer to 40 not 50.

Teacher: Jamal, what would you think?

Jamal: I think I would have to add again to see if I did something wrong.

Have another volunteer pick two more price cards and cross them out on the display. Ask students to work with a partner to estimate the sum of the two items and tell whether the sum is larger or smaller than one dollar. Tell students to use their 200 Chart to help them find friendly numbers. A similar process can take place on the desk number line, and some students may prefer to find the two closest tens on these rather than the 200 Chart. To discourage students from adding the cards to find the actual sum right away, tell them to be prepared to describe how they estimated. For example, if a 72¢ and a 49¢ card are picked, a student might:

  • Look at the tens to see that the sum is more than one dollar: 70¢ plus 30¢ is $1.00, so 72¢ and 49¢ must be more than one dollar.
  • Use multiples of ten to skip count for an estimated sum. On the 200 Chart, 72¢ is close to 70¢ and 49¢ is close to 50¢. So, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120; 120¢ or $1.20 is an estimate.
  • Use coins to find an estimate of the sum. Students might use quarters: 72¢ is close to 3 quarters (75¢) and 49¢ is close to 2 quarters (50¢); 3 quarters and 2 quarters is 5 quarters. Since 4 quarters is one dollar, 5 quarters would be $1.25.
  • Think about tens: 72 has 7 tens and 49 has 4 tens. 11 tens is 110 and more than one dollar.

In all of the examples above, friendly numbers were used to help the estimation process. Friendly numbers tend to be multiples of ten, and, in the case of money, 25 and 75.

Give students some time to share how they estimated the sum. Repeat with another example, encouraging students to use friendly numbers to make estimates.

Direct students to turn to the Price Cards page in the Book. Distribute a calculator to each student pair. Students will take turns doing the following:

  • Cross out two price cards on their page.
  • Use the 200 Chart or number line to find friendly numbers with which to estimate their sum.
  • Tell their partner if one dollar will cover the purchase of one or both items.

The other student will use a calculator to find the sum of the two prices and determine whether the first student is correct. Students switch roles for the next turn. Each student should mark his or her own Price Cards page. Once a card has been crossed out, it cannot be used again. See the Sample Dialog.

Estimate Sums and Quantities. Assign Questions 1–3 on the Estimation Strategies page in the Student Activity Book to partners. An example using friendly numbers is given, but students may use any strategy that makes sense to them. Remind students to explain their strategies for estimating the sum in each problem. As students work, circulate to observe the different strategies they use.

Upon completion, select students to share a variety of estimation strategies. Make a list of the strategies used on chart paper. Have students focus only on the strategies they used to find the sums in Questions 1–3. You will add strategies for estimating quantities next. Ask students to give names to the strategies they used. A student may even want to name his strategy “Mark’s Strategy” which is acceptable. Add strategies for estimating quantities to the class-generated list. Some other possible names of strategies are shown in Figure 2.

If students do not include using coins in their list, make sure it gets added and included in the class discussion. Have a student demonstrate estimating the sum of 73 + 46 using this strategy.
Sample list of estimation strategies