Lesson 4

Exploring with Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Solving Addition Problems That Involve Trades

Estimate Sums of Addition Problems with Trading. Display addition problems with trading, such as the following, and ask students to estimate the sum for each problem:

48 69 135 182
+ 27 + 33 + 127 + 124
  • What is your estimate for the problem [48 + 27]? (Possible response: 80)
  • What strategy did you use to find your estimate? (Possible response: I used friendly numbers. 48 is close to 50 and 27 is close to 30; 50 + 30 = 80. My estimate is 80.)
  • Did anyone use a different strategy? (Possible response: I added tens. I added 40 + 20 and that equals 60.)
  • Do you think the actual sum is closer to [60] or [80]? (Possible response: I think it’s closer to 80 because if you add the tens, you get 60, but you have to add the ones, too. 8 + 7 is 15. If you add that to 60, the answer is closer to 80.)

Include addition problems with sums to 500 that involve trading base-ten pieces, such as 135 + 127. Help students to understand how estimating 135 + 127 is similar to estimating
35 + 27. For example, to use friendly numbers for 35 + 27, add
40 + 30 = 70. To use friendly numbers for 135 + 127, add
140 + 130 = 270.

Make Trades While Adding with Base-Ten Pieces. Have students model the problem 48 + 27 using base-ten pieces. Ask questions that make connections between the base-ten pieces and the numbers in the number sentences.

  • How can we use skinnies and bits to model the number 48 using the Fewest Pieces Rule? (4 skinnies and 8 bits)
  • How can we model that number using base-ten shorthand? (4 lines and 8 dots) [Write the base-ten shorthand next to the number.]
  • How can we use skinnies and bits to model the number 27? (2 skinnies and 7 bits)
  • How can we model that number using base-ten shorthand? (2 lines and 7 dots) [Write the base-ten shorthand next to the number.]
  • How can we write 48 to show we have broken it into 4 tens and 8 ones? (40 + 8)
  • How can we write 27 to show that we have broken it into 2 tens and 7 ones? (20 + 7)

After students use base-ten pieces to model the numbers, ask them to find the total number of skinnies and bits. See Figure 2 for possible strategies for solving 48 + 27.

  • How many skinnies and bits do you have? (Possible response: 6 skinnies and 15 bits)
  • Does the answer use the Fewest Pieces Rule? (Possible response: No, we can make trades.)
  • What trades can we make to apply the Fewest Pieces Rule? (Possible response: We can trade 10 bits for another skinny.)

Demonstrate how to trade 10 of the 15 bits for another skinny.

  • How many skinnies and bits do we have now? (7 skinnies and 5 bits)
  • Do 6 skinnies and 15 bits show the same number as 7 skinnies and 5 bits? How do you know? (Possible response: Yes, because 6 skinnies is 60 and 15 more makes 75.)

Write: 60 + 15 = 70 + 5

  • Is this a true statement? Why? (Possible response: Yes, because 60 + 15 = 75 and 70 + 5 = 75. We just traded 10 of the 11 bits for another skinny.)
  • How can we show trades when we use base-ten shorthand? (Possible response: We can circle ten bits and make another skinny.)
  • How can we check our answers for reasonableness? (Possible response: We can estimate by using friendly numbers: 48 is close to 50 and 27 is close to 30. 50 + 30 = 80. The answer 75 is close to 80.)

Encourage students to experiment with how to show the trading step. One suggestion is to circle ten bits and draw an additional skinny, and then connect them with an arrow to show that the ten bits were traded for the skinny. It also suggested that the ten bits be crossed out so they are not counted again. See Figure 3.

Ask students to solve additional problems that involve trading 10 bits for one skinny such as:

67 + 25
37 + 37
49 + 22

Then, pose problems in which students will have to trade ten skinnies for a flat or make two trades. See Figures 4, 5, and 6. Figure 6 show how to show two trades to find the fewest pieces. Give students problems similar to the following problems:

85 85
+ 33 + 56

Ask students to show the problem using their base-ten pieces and then solve it.

  • What is your answer to 85 + 33? (Possible response: 11 skinnies and 8 bits)
  • Can we make any trades? (Possible response: Yes, we can trade 10 skinnies for 1 flat.)
  • How many flats, skinnies, and bits do we have now? (1 flat, 1 skinny, and 8 bits)
  • How is this problem different from the ones we’ve done before? (Possible response: We don’t have to trade any bits, but we have too many skinnies. We have to trade 10 skinnies for a flat.)
  • Do 11 skinnies and 8 bits show the same number as 1 flat, 1 skinny, and 8 bits? How do you know? (Possible response: Yes. One flat is 100; 1 skinny is 10, and 8 bits is 8; 100 + 10 + 8 = 118.)

Use the display of the first Trade for Fewest Pieces page in the Student Activity Book to introduce the activity and demonstrate the example. Have students work in pairs to complete the pages. Remind them to check their answers for all possible trades and record the trades with base-ten shorthand or a drawing. For each problem, have students estimate the answers to check for reasonableness.

For each problem, after students have modeled the numbers with base-ten pieces and found the sum, ask them to compare their answer with their estimate to determine whether their answer is reasonable. Students should begin to recognize that adding the tens digits works to identify the precise interval only when no regrouping is required. If the ones add up to more than ten, thereby necessitating regrouping, the answer will be in the next higher interval. This provides one more layer of understanding in upcoming lessons about what actually happens when they use an algorithm (paper-and-pencil method) to add.

Observe your students as they build models of the numbers and write the base-ten shorthand. Some students may quickly get to the point where they can forego handling the base-ten pieces themselves and go straight to drawing the numbers using the base-ten shorthand. Most, however, will need repeated practice solving the addition problem using the base-ten pieces first before drawing it with base-ten shorthand. Make sure these students continue to have the base-ten pieces readily available.

Ways to add tens and ones for 43 + 16
Using base-ten shorthand to show trading for fewest pieces
Using base-ten pieces to show 85 + 33
Use base-ten shorthand to show 85 + 33
Using base-ten pieces to show 85 + 56 = 141