Lesson 4

Exploring with Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Solving Addition Problems with No Trades

Estimate Sums. Remind students of the strategies they used to estimate sums for addition problems in Lesson 1 of this unit:

  • Adding Tens
  • Counting On by Tens
  • Using Friendly Numbers
  • Using Coins

Display the following addition problems and ask students to estimate the sum for each problem:

43 38 155 117
+16 +21 +134 +52

Explain to students that estimating the answer is important because it will help them determine if their actual sums are reasonable. Have students estimate the sums first by identifying in which interval (between which two tens) the answer will be.

  • Will the total be more than 40? How do you know? (Possible response: It has to be more than 40 because you start with 43 and you are adding 16.)
  • Between which two tens do you think the total will be? Why do you think so? (Possible response: I think it will be between 50 and 60 because if you put the tens together, you get 50 and there are not more than 10 ones, so the answer will probably be between 50 and 60.)
  • What is your estimate for the problem [43 + 16]? (Possible responses: 50, 60)
  • What strategy did you use to find your estimate? (Possible response: I used friendly numbers. 43 is close to 40 and 16 is close to 20; 40 + 20 = 60. My estimate is 60.)
  • Did anyone use a different strategy? (Possible response: I added tens. I added 40 + 10 and that equals 50. My estimate is 50.)
  • Do you think the actual sum is closer to [50] or [60]? (Possible response: I think it’s closer to 60 because if you add the tens, you get 50, but you have to add the ones, too. 3 + 6 is close to another 10, so I think the estimate is closer to 60.)

Include addition problems with sums to 500 that do not involve trading, such as 155 + 134. Help students understand how estimating 155 + 134 is similar to estimating 55 + 34. For example, to use friendly numbers for 55 + 34, add 60 + 30 = 90. To use friendly numbers for 155 + 134, add 160 + 130 = 290.

Add Tens and Ones. Have students model the previous problems using base-ten pieces. Remind students how to use base-ten shorthand to draw a representation of their pieces: a box ( ) to represent a flat, a vertical line ( | ) to indicate a skinny, and a dot ( • ) to indicate a bit. Ask questions that make connections between the base-ten pieces and the numbers in the number sentences.

  • How can we use skinnies and bits to model the number 43 using the Fewest Pieces Rule? (4 skinnies and 3 bits)
  • How can we model that number using base-ten shorthand? (|||| ••• )
  • How can we use skinnies and bits to model the number 16? (1 skinny and 6 bits)
  • How can we model that number using base-ten shorthand? (|••••••)
  • How can we write 43 to show we have broken it into 4 tens and 3 ones? (40 + 3)
  • How can we write 16 to show that we have broken it into 1 ten and 6 ones? (10 + 6)

Students use the Fewest Pieces Rule to make numbers using the fewest number of base-ten pieces. For example, the number 43 can be represented with 43 bits, 3 skinnies, and 13 bits, 2 skinnies and 23 bits, or 1 skinny and 33 bits. After making all trades that are possible, 43 is represented by 4 skinnies and 3 bits. Help students understand that 4 in the number 43 represents 4 tens or 4 skinnies and the 3 represents 3 ones or 3 bits.

Write the problem in expanded form:

43 = 40 + 3
16 = 10 + 6

The expanded form shows a number expanded into an addition statement. Forty-three in expanded form is 40 + 3. One hundred twenty-five in expanded form is 100 + 20 + 5.

  • When I write the problem in expanded form, how is it like modeling with base-ten pieces? (Possible response: For 43, 4 skinnies is the same as 40 and 3 bits is the same as 3. For 16, 1 skinny is the same as 10 and 6 bits is the same as 6.)

Have students solve the problem. Ask students to share their strategies using base-ten pieces and number sentences. See Figure 1 for possible strategies to solve 43 + 16.

If students name only the digits in the tens place by saying “4 + 1 equals 5,” ask them to tell you the value of each digit.

  • What is the value of the 4 in 43? (4 tens or 40)

Have students solve additional problems with sums to 500, including adding two numbers with hundreds that do not involve trading of base-ten pieces. For example, for the
problem 155 + 134, students will need flats, skinnies, and bits to find the sum.

  • How can you use flats, skinnies and bits to model the number 155 using the Fewest Pieces Rule?
    (1 flat, 5 skinnies, and 5 bits)
  • How can you model that number using base-ten shorthand? (1 box, 5 lines, and 5 dots) [Write the base-ten shorthand next to the number.]
  • How can you use flats, skinnies and bits to model the number 134? (1 flat, 3 skinnies, and 4 bits)
  • How can you model that number using base-ten shorthand? (1 box, 3 lines, and 4 dots) [Write the base-ten shorthand next to the number.]
  • How can you write 155 to show we have broken it into 1 hundred, 5 tens and 5 ones? (100 + 50 + 5)
  • How can you write 134 to show that we have broken it into 1 hundred, 3 tens and 4 ones? (100 + 30 + 4)

Write the problem in expanded form:

155 = 100 + 50 + 5
134 = 100 + 30 + 4
  • When I write the problem in expanded form, how is it like modeling with base-ten pieces? (Possible response: For 155, 1 flat is the same as 100, 5 skinnies is the same as 50, and 5 bits is the same as 5. For 134, 1 flat is the same as 100, 3 skinnies is the same as 30, and 4 bits is the same as 4.)

Practice Adding with Base-Ten Pieces. Use the display of the Add with Base-Ten Pieces page from the Student Activity Book to model how to use base-ten shorthand to record students’ solutions and estimate to check for reasonableness. Help students make connections between the base-ten pieces, the base-ten shorthand, and the number sentence.

  • Look at this different example: 17 + 12. Show with base-ten pieces how you can use skinnies and bits to represent 17. (1 skinny and 7 bits)
  • Show with base-ten pieces how you can use skinnies and bits to represent 12. (1 skinny and
    2 bits)
  • How can you show the problem using base-ten shorthand? (Draw 1 line and 7 dots to represent 17 and 1 line and 2 dots to represent 12.)
  • Find the sum of 17 and 12 and write it under the problem. (29)
  • How can you check to see if our solution is reasonable? (Possible response: Use friendly numbers: 17 is close to 20 and 12 is close to 10. Add 20 and 10 and our estimate is 30. Our answer is 29 and that’s close to our estimate of 30.)

Have student pairs work together to solve the problems on the Add with Base-Ten Pieces page in the Student Activity Book using base-ten shorthand to record their solutions and then estimate to check their answers for reasonableness. Remind students to write the sum for each problem.

After students solve each problem using base-ten pieces, ask them to use other strategies to check their solutions. For example, to solve 17 + 12, move on the 200 Chart or skip count by tens and ones. Help students develop the habit of checking to see if their answers are reasonable by estimating or by using a different strategy.

Ways to add tens and ones for 43 + 16