Lesson 4

Measuring Mass

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

The Hundreds of Coins ongoing project introduced in Unit 1 Lesson 1 continues.

Answers will vary.
Discuss the fact that if it is not a day to make trades, the value of the nickels in the Nickel jar will not be the total of all the coins in the Nickel jar. The same will be true for the dimes and quarters.

J. Coin Jar

  1. How many pennies are in the Penny jar today? _________________________
  2. How many nickels are in the Nickel jar today? ____________________________

    Skip count by 5s to find the value of the nickels. ______________________
  3. How many dimes are in the Dime jar today? _____________________________

    Skip count by 10s to find the value of the dimes. ________________________
  4. How many quarters are in the Quarter jar today? ___________________________

    Find the value of the quarters.